For Sale Little boys Keen's sizes 9 and 10.


Well-known member

Brown shoes size 9. VGUC. $20ppd. SOLD
Navy sandals size 10. EEEUC (only worn 3 times!). $25ppd. SOLD
Red high tops size 10. VGUC. $20ppd. SOLD
Black Lizards size 10. VGUC. $20ppd. SOLD

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New member
I will check our "hand me down" supply - I feel like I have a lot of gently used stuff in size 10 from my two oldest but I had best double check. DS3's feet are growing like crazy right now and he's moving into size 9.
ETA: I think I'm all set. Let me know when you sell size 11 stuff though! Why do I have NO size 11 saved from either DS1 or DS2?
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Well-known member
That's perfect. I just checked and Mitchell just outgrew his 8's. :) I'll take them. :)

Edit: Ah, poo! Did they just sell or did I not notice earlier? lol!

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