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  • Your ds3 is so stinking cute in your sig. I'm soooo done with babies, but I'd have another to be as cute as that pic of yours...
    Yay! You win a prize for noticing first! I'll give you baby dust for this fall. C'mon. You know I'm going to tempt you with pics of nursing n00b goodness. :p
    Haha, yes, I am Benis. And unfortunately, it rhymes with Dennis. MSK's DS2 started calling me Benis for some weird reason. So that's my name!
    I used to live in Rochester but my husband got a job here at the airport. Gotta live where there are planes. I like it here better. Rochester was too busy for me.
    I'm going to leave you a
    So, I accidentally clicked on your name, instead of the post--so I get to see your profile. So, I decided...I'm leaving a message. I know, thrilling. ;)
    Oooh, lookie! I've left a message for myself.

    Your anniversary is in three days. Do find something fabulous to present to hubby.
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