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Hi! I am also trying to join the tech forum and cannot seem to find the proper areas on my profile either. Also added my tech ID to my profile and car-seat.org on SK.


I am CPST that just joined the forum. I tried to follow the instructions to join the tech forum but couldn't find the group memberships section. I saw meljc's post to you from 2020 while searching and thought I'd try asking you as well! My tech ID is already in my profile and I added car-seat.org to my affiliations on SafeKids.

Sorry for the delay, you should be able to access it now. The tech forum has not been active for some time, as most techs have moved on to facebook and other social media. There is a decent archive of discussions, though.
thanks so much!
Hi Darren! I am trying to join the Tech forum now that I'm a CPST but I can't find a section for group memberships. I added my tech ID to my profile already. Please let me know what else I should do. Thanks :)
Hi meljc, I will take care of that for you. The forum software was updated a few months ago and the instructions are probably no longer valid. I will put that on my to-do list;-)
Thank you!
Hello Angie.

My Name is Crystal and I believe you know my Mom. Heidi Hollander or Mykidsmom on diaper pin.

My Mom has been wishing she had a way to contact you and I remembered you were a CPST so I came looking here.

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