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  • I would really like to get that True Fit. My zip code is 62864. I can pp right away. My cell number is 618-214-6436 if you need any more info.
    Ok, then this will be totally random, but I have 1 Navy HUG if you are interested in it. I ordered 2 to use with my Fido cover but only got sent one and then they were out of stock. I was so upset and searched high and low for another, but never could find one, so maybe you could have better luck. You can just have it, but I stink at making it to the PO, so it might be a week or so, before I could ship.
    I noticed your new sig pic, and I am SUPER jealous of your navy straps with the fido cover! What color HUGS do you have for it?
    Hi. Thanks for asking. DH is doing well. He had his 2 week post op check-up today and the doctor says everything looks good so far. He starts cardio rehab tomorrow, which is an exercise and nutrition program that is 3 days a week and lasts about 12 weeks. He is on 6 different meds right now so that has been challenging, but we're learning to cope with his new way of life. The hardest thing for him right now is not smoking and eating healthy. They have him on chantix for the smoking and hopefully his nutrition class will help him understand how important his diet is because he's giving me a lot of greif about me not letting him eat what he wants to. All in all I think things are going well and we are starting to get back to normal life (or what our new normal life is now).
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