Honda Odyssey "Plus One" (2005-2010 Odyssey model years) Successful Installation Thread


Well-known member
Thanks Carrie!!!

Anyone have any tricks for installing the Cocorro on the plus one? I thought I had it in really well...and then realized I did not when it slid around on my double check.

I'd like to put baby girl on the plus one in her Cocorro for a long trip next week, so that her big brothers (or Nana and one big brother) can sit on either side of her and keep her entertained. She is a terrible car rider.

She doesn't mind her seat, she isn't car sick. She just doesn't want to be strapped in the seat. She'll be 7 months old on Sunday and honestly, she's just busy. LOL But I'm not against buying a new seat if it will make this trip work.

I have an '09 Ody. DS1 is 8 and I prefer he ride in his Cybex booster. DS2 still fits, barely, in his Evenflo Secure Kid 300. But I can switch them to a backless for ds1 and the Cybex (or Harmony or Evenflo highbacks) for ds2.



I am a foster parent and am getting an 8th person tomorrow, So I am needing to use all 3 rows to the fullest. I am thinking to put forward facing behind the front passenger a 6year old, then put rear facing baby in the middle. (the plus one seat), She has a Graco, then leave the seat open behind the driver for a larger child (16 years old) directly behind that person put a forward carseat for a 2 year old, then the other 16 year old next to him with the 8 year old in the back corner. My issue is that I cant seem to get the seat on the drivers side to go down it keeps getting stuck on the babies seat. Any suggestions. The second 16 year old will ride shot gun when my husband is not in the car.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Do I understand correctly that you want a narrow rear-facing seat in the Plus One middle seat in order to be able to flip the outboard seat for access to the third row?

What model Graco car seat do you have now? If it is close, there are ultra narrow models that might buy you an inch or so. The Graco True3Fit (same as the SlimFit 3 LX) is one example: - These models are narrower than the original SlimFit LX.

For a forward-facing child in the third row, I believe there is only one top-tether anchor available. The forward-facing seat should go in a seating position listed in the vehicle owner's manual that can use the tether anchor. I believe this is center OR passenger side but it's been a while since I had my 2006 Odyssey, so I may be mistaken.

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