Honda Odyssey "Plus One" (2005-2010 Odyssey model years) Successful Installation Thread



Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
Staff member
I edited this thread's title to indicate it's about the previous generation Odyssey's model years that had the Plus One option (the narrower, stowable second row vehicle seat without LATCH nor a top tether anchor) to help minimize future confusion between the Ody generations and their respective features. :) The 2011 and newer generation Odyssey models have the wider second row center vehicle seat with full LATCH and featuring the "wide mode" capability.


New member
Should I try the MyRide? I may consider the classic Marathon, as we used to have a couple of those and I did love them and they have the RF tether. Plus, the younger child we are adopting will be a girl and I still have my two girly MA covers! :p


New member
Is there a new thread somewhere for the plus one seat of the new body style? I've found some convertibles can't be installed there.


Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
Staff member
Not that I know of. Feel free to start a new thread titled accordingly to document unsuccessful/successful installations in the current generation 2011+ Odyssey models. :)


New member
I have a 2006 odyssey. Has anyone tried the new graco 40 on the plus one? If I have to it looks like my marathon will fit, but I'd prefer to use the bucket if it will fit. Thanks


I am due with our second child in January, and we just replaced our 2008 Honda Element (sniff) with a 2008 Odyssey (what do all those buttons do?!).

My 2.5 yo daughter (27 lbs) is currently RF in a Britax Advocate. I am hoping to put #2 in the plus one seat using a Chicco Keyfit base plus infant seat. I think I gathered from this thread that that may work. I want to be able to sit on the outboard captains chair to nurse, then plop baby into the bucket.

Question #1: Will those two seats fit like that? Britax Marathon RF on the Captains (outboard) chair, Chicco Keyfit infant on the plus one.

Planning ahead for the convertible seat #2. My 2.5 yo will stay RF as long as possible, and so I will eventually need two RF convertibles. We also drive grandma around a lot, and it would be much easier for her to sit in the 2nd row. I would like to have two RF convertibles in the 2nd row side by side, with an empty captains chair for grandma.

Question #2: What was the final word on the Radian in the plus one? I saw there was some question about how much was contact the car seat actually had with the plus one, and whether that was a safety issue. Any resolution?

Question #3: What (highly rated) convertibles will sit side by side, one on the plus one, another on the captains chair? Any brand will do! Highest height/weight limit possible since my older child will likely be around 3.5 yo by the time we have two RF convertibles.

Question #4: Is it just better to remove plus one, slide captains chair over, and have grandma sit in the back? Comfort wise?



CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
I'm really not ok with the way the radian installs in the plus one, and won't use it for my kids.

However, a Radian should fit outboard with an angle adjuster and leave you room to move that Advocate over, probably...

As an adult I prefer the second row captains chair to other rear seats for comfort, but your mileage may vary. ;)


Jumping in to say I have an 05, and have successfully installed a Foonf RF in the Plus One seat. Rock solid. Had another RF Foonf in the outboard captain's chair, installed via LATCH. They weren't touching, but I couldn't get any finger bigger than my pinky between them. We weren't able to slide the other captain's chair forward to access the third row, but after reading this thread, I might try removing the armrest. I have a KF30 in the garage that I plan to try with the two Foonfs. Ultimately, though, my almost-4-year-old needs a FF solution that fits with the two RF Foonfs (and one Foonf & KF for about 6-8 months) that will keep her harnessed until she's ready to booster. Really, really don't want to have to move her to the third row.

ETA: She's already outgrown the Foonf FF, as her shoulders are higher than the top harness slot. She's 42" now, and that final inch could come at any time, which would max out acceptable standing height.


Returning to say I tried the RF Foonf in the Plus One again this afternoon, and Dear LORD, it was a terribly difficult install. Took me about half an hour and about 4 tries, and I ended up standing hunched over on the two armrests, basically, in order to get it tight enough not to move at the belt path. And by then it was nearly impossible to fasten the locking clips with my level of finger strength. But I did it, and the two Foonfs side by side are actually more like 3/4 of an inch apart this time. Not sure what I did differently, as both seats are centered on the car's seat.


Does anyone know if it is possible in the second row using the plus one to have these 3 seats, with the key fit not in the middle?

Chicco key fit (rear facing), radian (forward facing), recaro harness to booster (forward facing)?

Thank you in advance for your help.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
There is no tether anchor in the Plus One and I doubt a Frontier would install properly even with LBP. The seat is really only suitable for rear facing seats or booster/seatbelt riders (unlike the newer seat in 2011+ model years.)


New member
I just got the Snugride 30 in the plus one with a ff radian on one side and a prosport on the other. I had to use a couple tricks from this thread (reclining the seat back then installing, then pulling it back up, and twisting the seatbelt) but it is rock solid. :dance:

I love this thread! I tried to install the seat then came inside so worked up and frustrated and sat down and had some coffee and read this thread from end to end. I went back out and had it installed in maybe a minute. Yay!


New member
I got the Chicco Nextfit installed in the plus one seat of my 2008 odyssey. I can't easily fold down one of the captain's chairs, so I'm not keeping the seat there, but it seems possible.


Ambassador - CPS Technician
I had a call from a Mom whose boys all want to sit in the second row. She has a toddler RFing in a Boulevard, preschooler forward-facing in a Boulevard, and a kindergartener in a Frontier. 2006 Ody. Any chance I can get those to fit? My notes don't say whether it is original Boulevard or NextGen, or possibly one of each. If they might fit, I am thinking it would have to be RF Blvd in the center and the other two FF outboard...

Thanks in advance for any help :)


Ambassador - CPS Technician
Replying to myself, the seats miraculously fit :) The Boulevards were old-style, and she brought both an 85 and a 90. The RF Blvd went center and then we put the FF Blvd behind passenger. Initially we had the 85 behind driver, but I showed Mom the ClickTight on the 90 and she fell in love - plus it fit better - so we swapped them out. (I know this thread is just about the center seat but I wanted to follow up lol)

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