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  • Hi! I am also trying to join the tech forum and cannot seem to find the proper areas on my profile either. Also added my tech ID to my profile and on SK.


    I am CPST that just joined the forum. I tried to follow the instructions to join the tech forum but couldn't find the group memberships section. I saw meljc's post to you from 2020 while searching and thought I'd try asking you as well! My tech ID is already in my profile and I added to my affiliations on SafeKids.

    Sorry for the delay, you should be able to access it now. The tech forum has not been active for some time, as most techs have moved on to facebook and other social media. There is a decent archive of discussions, though.
    thanks so much!
    Hi Darren! I am trying to join the Tech forum now that I'm a CPST but I can't find a section for group memberships. I added my tech ID to my profile already. Please let me know what else I should do. Thanks :)
    Hi meljc, I will take care of that for you. The forum software was updated a few months ago and the instructions are probably no longer valid. I will put that on my to-do list;-)
    Thank you!
    Hi CPSDarren,
    I am also getting the error saying I don't have permission to post in the B/S/T section. Please help me correct this. Thanks so much
    Hi, I would like to post a ISO in the B/S/T section but I don't have permission? I know I'm not on this site much, but I've had positive transactions here in the past. Thanks.
    I wasn't able to post anything to this thread. Can you help me to be able to post?
    I wasn't able to log in...and three guys were on a bye...I was on a mobile phone and not all the features were available, couldn't get into the community group.Oh well, what's another loss, although I was on a winning streak!
    Help me please! When I click on a thread, it acts like it will open, but then it's blank. In any forum. I can't do anything via the app because my iphone is having a problem. I hope it was okay to let you know here. Peg
    Help me Darren!!!

    I'm out of town and can't login...what's a link to our sports says I'm not in any leagues when I sign the way, I'm in Atlanta with a friend at a speech therapy convention and when I said I was emailing Darren from she said she had taken her green nissan in the fall of 2003 to you to get checked.....small world!
    Maybe another Darren or some other type of event? I know my memory is bad, but I can't recall ever going to Milwaukee for a CPS/CEU event!
    LOL...I can't remember the name of the class. Can't even remember what it was about it was so long ago. It was up in Milwaukee at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Community Health building if that helps any :)
    Hi there. was wondering if u were still selling the princess and the pauper barbies?
    hi Darren. You visited my page! What's up with that?

    I'm hoping the fishy isn't your favorite food, btw.
    It's 'getting to know you---avatar style!'...last week was colors, this week it's week it's something else :D
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