Please help promote our forums! Car-Seat.Org Link Exchange


Admin - Webmaster
We appreciate your referrals to friends and your links to Car-Seat.Org from websites, forums and elsewhere. With our new provider, we now have the capacity to expand without slowing down our forums. With your help, we can reach more parents seeking information on how to keep their children safe in motor vehicles.

If you have a website, we would greatly appreciate a link to Car-Seat.Org!

The preferred title for a link is:

"Car Seat.Org - Carseat, Vehicle & Child Passenger Safety Forums"

The preferred long description is:

"Discussion forum on car safety, child passenger safety, carseats and their safe installation. Buying advice and help for choosing new vehicles and car seats. Chat and blog about child seat issues with expert technicians and advocates"

Link exchanges help increase the popularity of both websites. If you have a public website and would like to exchange reciprocal links with us, please include a link to www.Car-Seat.Org on one or more of your webpages. Then, please reply to this sticky post and include a link to your website/webpage with your description.

In addition to the link and description in your reply, I will periodically update a list using short descriptions within this post, so that it is easy to find at the top of the page. Websites that do not extend the courtesy of a link back to Car-Seat.Org will be removed from this thread periodically.

Friends of Car-Seat.Org: - Illinois Traffic Safety Leaders - Car seat search, use, and installation help for parents and resources for technicians. - Quality Baby Products and Accessories - Car Seats, Strollers, Bedding and much more to come
Book Mama - Parenting and family life, books, work and more.
SafetyKitsPlus- Car Emergency Kits - Vancouver Island Car Seat Techs


Links to websites with content deemed inappropriate will be removed. Most personal and commercial webpages would be acceptable, particularly those about child safety or parenting issues. Car-Seat.Org gets a lot of traffic from members, guests and search engines, so please do not post your link if you prefer your website to be private! Even if you don't wish to link to your website here, we always appreciate links to Car-Seat.Org if you have found this forum to be a valuable resource on child safety!

While we appreciate your links to our forums and to specific forum threads on other forums you visit, we do ask that you be discreet and that you do not unnecessarily spam links to Car-Seat.Org.

Thank you!


Admin - CPST Instructor
Staff member - Car seat search, use, and installation help for parents and resources for technicians.

Pages include how to find a seat to fit your child, recommended car seats, installation help, installation videos, and recalls. Also has an emergency label template to fill out, print and stick to car seat. Resources for technicians include statistics and current list of available CEUs.


Well-known member
FYI, I gave a local radio station a link here, they said they would be putting it on their website but last time I checked they hadn't yet. However, the person I gave it to is on vacation for the next week, so it may take a while to show up.


New member
Do you have a small logo graphic I could use to link to here? I don't need a reciprocal link, but I'd be happy to have a little button which links to here from my web page.

Oh. Maybe I could use this one?


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
That banner is fine to use. If you need a custom size, please let me know.

Happy to add your site to our links if you want the publicity!


New member
I have a link to you on my personal blog, but I'd like a button/widget, too...but I don't know how to just post that banner. Do you have an HTML link to the button? Sorry, I'm a little new at this & don't really know how to phrase things yet....thanks.


New member
I've had you guys linked forever on my blog, it has to be a certain length (not too long) and people aren't very smart (so I didn't want to put so it's just "Child car seat forum" but you guys have been there as long as the blog has. :thumbsup:

I think I have you on my website somewhere too. It's been a while since I updated it though.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
I have a link to you on my personal blog, but I'd like a button/widget, too...but I don't know how to just post that banner. Do you have an HTML link to the button? Sorry, I'm a little new at this & don't really know how to phrase things yet....thanks.

Is this what you mean?

<IMG SRC= border=0 ALT="Car Seat.Org - Carseat, Vehicle & Child Passenger Safety Forums"></A>


Admin - Webmaster
I've had you guys linked forever on my blog, it has to be a certain length (not too long) and people aren't very smart (so I didn't want to put so it's just "Child car seat forum" but you guys have been there as long as the blog has. :thumbsup:

I think I have you on my website somewhere too. It's been a while since I updated it though.

If you have Car-Seat.Org on your website and want an exchange link, please let me know.


Senior Community Member
I've got a link to on my blog (and will try to add that image link posted above) and refer people here whenever I can. My blog is about parenting and family life, books, work and more. I have a page dedicated to CPS and write about CPS now and then - enough to inform my readers but not turn them off (I hope!).


New member
2 questions... 1 does have a downloadable flyer or handout that I can post at parenting meeting??

2nd- Kyle David Miller Foundation
I know this is an older post, but I've gone to a few times when I'm trying to find their brochure and information and Firefox gives me a virus/hack alert.
I beleive there is an alternate link, but are they aware there site has been hacked, any way to help get the site back???

I'm a little leary to give the info out because people might search for the site by the name and not find the other site that is 'safe'. I'm also have not gone through the block to check the site as I really don't want to chance a virus.

Any one know?



I have contacted someone at Kyle David Miller, and they did not return my call. This is strange, because we always got along just fine. Something is up with KDM. What kind of flyer do you need?

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You must read your carseat and vehicle owner’s manual and understand any relevant state laws. These are the rules you must follow to restrain your children safely. All opinions at Car-Seat.Org are those of the individual author for informational purposes only, and do not necessarily reflect any policy or position of Carseat Media LLC. Car-Seat.Org makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis. If you are unsure about information provided to you, please visit a local certified technician. Before posting or using our website you must read and agree to our TERMS.

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