minivan questions

Karen Kite

New member
My husband posted (nu dad) about minivans. I am aslo wanting to be able to sit in between the 2 children in the middle row.
1) Is that a possibility in either the Odessey or the Sienna?
2)Were there safety issues with either the Sienna or Odessey 2000-2003 models?
3) and lastly, we have a Honda Accord stationwagon. Is this just as safe as say a 2000-2003 Odessey or Sienna?
Thank you! kk


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Quick comments-

1) This is not possible in the Odyssey. Some versions of the Sienna have a center seat in the second row, but it is optimized for child seats. You may be able to fit a small adult there, but you'd have to check the manual first.

2) No. All have very good safety ratings.

3) The new Accord wagons are too new to have much information. They are not as heavy as a typical minivan, so that is one disadvantage.


New member
Hi Karen!!

I hope you got my email from a week or so ago. I am so sorry it took me months to notice you sent me a "private message" on this page. I am not too computer savvy :(

I wanted to let you know that we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our 2004 Sienna. It hasn't been crash tested, but I do beleive Toyota makes a very safe product, and after reading everything Darren has to say :) I feel happy about our decision to get the side curtain airbags. We have the 7 passenger model, and although I can't sit between my kids, both DH and I have sat in the third row to keep an eye of the kids on long trips. It is quite roomy back there! I can also tell you that My FPSE fit in all positions rear and forward facing, and the Marathon fits well rear and forward facing in the captains chairs using the lower anchors. I haven't tried in other positions. I don't think you can go wrong with the honda or toyota. The things that swayed me twoards the SIenna were the 40/60 fold flat rear seats and the side curtain airbags. I have traction control and skid control, but I think those may be available on the Honda as well. Just my 2 cents.

Karen Kite

New member
Thanks for the info. mamamia I did get your email but I just birthed our new baby and haven't been able to write!!!

My next questions:
1) can you get side curtain airbags on the 2003 Odyssey?
2) Are the rear seats and the middle seats of the Sienna and Odyssey both equally safe? Could I put one child in the middle and one child in the back with me?


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member

1) No. Only in front and they aren't curtains. Maybe for 2004.

2) Probably close, though the Odyssey lacks curtain airbags and also latch in the third row. Unfortunately, the Sienna has no side impact ratings at all yet, so it is hard to compare.

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