Going CRAZY trying to pick the perfect infant seat- Help!


Senior Community Member
Ok, so I'm having my 3rd child in four yrs and will be purchasing a FOURTH infant carrier :eek:

I just end up hating every infant seat I end up getting. I'm sick of it. I live in a very cold climate and a good infant carrier is kind of a must (as opposed to slinging 100% of the time.
This time I am going to have 2 under 2 (my son is 16 months). My son is nowhere near walking, but I think he might be just newly walking when the baby comes (he's very behind, didn't even start crawling or pulling up until after his birthday) plus a 3.5 yr old who likes to BOLT. So I really need an infant carrier that is EASY to carry around while also toting the diaper bag, helping the toddler walk, and making sure the preschooler stays close.
I also have VERY PETITE children, who have incredibly short torsos and incredibly long legs. (if anyone recalls, I'm the one who posted pictures of my 2 yr old sitting in an evenflo discovery with the top harness level at her ears!)
Right now, my son is 16 months and 21 pounds, and he's in a SafeSeat 1 with his shoulders directly even with the middle slots.

I think the best way to "help you help me" is to list all of the seats I've had, why I don't like them, and then the seats I'm considering. This decision is going to be really hard for me because the biggest baby store in my area (and I'm talking within a 3-4 hour drive here, I'm pretty remote!) only carries Snugrides and 22lb Keyfits....so I can't try seats out in the store before buying on line

My first seat was a Snugride. It wasn't a bad seat, but it was a rear adjust which I HATED. Also, I didn't like that it only has 2 harness choices. The bottom harness is always waaaaay too high for my newborns, and there is such a big difference between the bottom ones with the top that the straps are way below the shoulders before you can move them up. However, it was light and easy to carry. If I could choose a front adjust with at least 3 harness slots and better head support/SIP, this would be my seat.

Then I had a Compass I420 for my son. I got rid of this very quickly. Although the bottom slots are very low, the crotch strap is too far out and there are only 2 harness positions, and the chest clip is HUGE. Plus it is way too big and clunky. The handle hinges are huge and stick out and dig into your hip when you carry it, plus it's so loud to click into the base you could wake a deaf person. Not to mention you had to move the handle a notch back and that was annoying. Also, this carseat cannot be installed without the 20 pound base :thumbsdown:

Then I got him a SafeSeat 1. The base is huge. The carseat is huge. It's hard to carry, and I couldn't fit it into my double stroller it was so big. Or through doorways, for that matter. I carry carseats in my elbow notch and across my hip, and I can't walk through a doorway like this (and I'm a very thin person so it's not that *I'm* too wide)....I have to hold the carseat out in front of me and turn it the long way to go through the door :thumbsdown:
Plus it takes up so much room in our car. Right now we can put the rearfacing seat in the middle position, where it doesn't push the 2 front seats forward, but now we're going to have 2 rearfacing seats so one has to go in an outboard position. I have the BLVD as upright as I can get it, so I'm really hoping for an infant seat that takes up less space so I can have that behind the passenger side instead and not be in the dash myself.

Ok, so now onto the seats I am looking at.
I want something that can fit a tiny baby. (ie low bottom slots, several slots)

I want something that is easy to carry. I'm not sure if the problem I have with my SS is that it's long or wide...Like maybe, I could have a seat that was just as long, but if it's narrower and had a better handle, I could carry it much easier?

I want something that doesn't take up a lot of space front to back in a vehicle.

I don't need something that goes to 30 pounds. 22 pounds is just dandy for my kids.

This is a pretty silly one, but I'd LOVE it if it came in a cute girly pattern :eek:

Ease of installation is not an issue (base will be installed once and then left there) but I would like to be able to install it without the base. I would also like something where handle position is not an issue.

I've decided price is no longer an issue. I just want to make sure I get the "right" infant seat, for once. My sanity is worth anything and having an easy to carry infant seat I think can make or break me being able to handle all 3 kids.

I would also really like it if it fit into this double stroller:
http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3939626 (Combi Twin Sport)

Keyfit- I don't know, I'm only considering this one because it comes so highly recommended. In the store if felt heavy to me, and wide? I also don't like the seemingly complete lack of head support. Is there any difference between the 22 and the 30? I would only need the 22, but I'm just wondering if the 22 is smaller and lighter than the 30?
Does this have the same bottom slot as a Snugride? It didn't seem very low.
For those of you who carry carseats in your elbow/hip, did you find this easier or harder than the others to carry?
This is the seat I am least considering, honestly.

Combi Shuttle 33- Man how I wish I could get my hands on this IRL. How does that odd handle carry???? It looks like it'd either be awesome or awkward to carry. Does the rebound bar get into the way of loading/unloading baby? What are the slot choices like? I can't seem to get a good picture of the inside. How low are the bottom slots compared to others? It has more than 2 positions right? How about the size of this thing? If I feel like the SS1 is monstrous, will this be any better? I think I read that it is pretty long, but if it's skinny enough and a good shaped handle, I think it might make all the difference? I also read some reviews that it STUCK into the base and everyone was putting WD40 on it?!?!
But I am realllly considering buying this seat sight unseen because I KNOW it fits into the stroller I want, and I loooove the Jade pattern. But I don't want to buy a seat for the pattern and then end up having it be a PITA seat that's hard to carry and doesn't fit my baby well.

OnBoard Air- I LOVE that this has 3 crotch positions and FOUR harness positions, and that it says it's the best seat designed for premies (which would be awesome for my petite babies) But that head and body support looks ROCKIN and I love the teeny chest clip. And that the handle position is not an issue. But I don't really care for any of the colors...(yuck on that pink one!) however if this is a good enough seat that won't matter.
The main things I'm concerned about, is how does this carry? Is it a really long or wide seat? I'm just thinking that 35 pounds is a LOT, so maybe the seat is just as monstrous as a SS1. It also feels weird to be spending $200 on a Dorel infant seat....

Any others that you can think of that I might like? Sorry this was SO long but I've seriously been stewing for weeks about this. Oh how I wish I could get my hands on that Shuttle to see how the shape, size, and weight compare to the others. It doesn't seem like this seat is talked about a lot on this site. It seems like it's all Safeseat/Keyfit lovers. :p

My 2 biggest things are to have a harness system that makes my bitty babies snug as a bug, and also to be able to be able to zoom around with the carrier tucked comfortably in my elbow rather than lugging a carseat with 2 hands and not being able to do or carry much other than that.

Thanks for anyone who read this much. I've seriously been going crazy for weeks, reading every review I can. I don't want to end up buying another $200 seat and then hating it AGAIN. And I HATE that I can't play with these seats in person :(


New member
I believe the On Board is the tallest shelled of the infant seats. That said it has nice low harness slots. Target has a stripped down version without the lock offs or the preemie insert thing.

The Keyfit 22 and 30 have the same shell. I think only the Baby Trend is narrower. My grandson was always really sweaty in it. (The Keyfit) He outgrew it at about 10 months by height.

I haven't seen the Shuttle, or heard much about it.


New member
The KeyFit should fit your little kids well. It's rated from 4 pounds, and has a newborn insert that helps boost noobs up so that they fit better. If I was buying a new seat today, this is what I would get (either 22 or 30 pound version, not sure which). It's an excellent seat for preemies.

The BabyTrend that Cookie mentioned has 7 or 8 harness positions. Only one crotch position but it is adjustable length. The handle does have to be put down in the car. This is the seat that I own. It's okay, but with more than one little, honestly I would prefer to have a seat that the handle can be left up. Even with only one baby to keep track of, sometimes we forgot to put the handle down.


Senior Community Member
yea, NOT a fan of the Baby Trend seats. That triangle handle might be good for those who carry with their hands down by their knees, but like I said I carry in the crook of my elbow. And having to put the handle down...I don't think I could make that work in my car.

I really wish I could make myself like the Keyfit. The one I tried in the store was bulky, heavy and uncomfortable carry (not to mention all the fabric choices are really, really ugly).
However, I'm considering it solely because I hate it *less* than the other seats I have... and in case the other 2 seats I'm considering (Shuttle and OnBoard) would be worse than the Keyfit. If they are worse than the Keyfit for carrying around, I'll settle on the Keyfit but won't be too happy about it.

Darn, it's too bad to hear the OnBoard has the tallest shell. I think that puts the Shuttle 33 in the top running then. I already was really wanting it before, because well, look at how cute this Jade travel system is!
:love: :eek:

But also because it sounds like it has some really great features, and it seems like it has the potential for being really narrow/easy to carry. I'm just so hesitant to buy something that isn't talked about a lot here, and I can't try out first. (I can find some Amazon reviews, but you know those people, they only seem to care about the sun shades or "how tight they can get it into their car" or things that people on this board would care about)
I would really love to hear from a car seat fanatic who has used this seat!

Does anybody know, if I buy online from BRU, can I return it to a local Toys R Us even if they don't carry that seat in the local store?

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
Congrats Melissa :)

I love carrying the Combi Shuttle. I put the handle in the crook of my arm and hold the ARB in the same hand, it's very stable and I don't have to walk as funny or stick my hip as far out ;) I have a SS1 for DS and HATE carrying that thing. I'm constantly bonking one of the girls in the head with it!

And yes you can return it in-store. Just a few weeks ago I saw a super cute black Combi with pink dots on it, that I almost bought even though I have a boy :eek:. It was an online-only item that had been returned in store.


Senior Community Member
Anna! hello! Thanks for the congrats, it was quite the surprise. I see from your post count this must be where you hang out now? :D Maybe I should come here more often. I saw my siggy pics after I posted and realized how long it's been since I've posted on this site. I kind of weaned myself from internet a while ago.

I hope your 3 kiddos are all doing well!

Anyway, thanks so much for your response. I am SO glad to hear that you think this is much better to carry than the SS1. I never thought about holding onto the ARB with the same hand, that sounds like it would give much more control.

So was this a seat that you owned or just played with? If so, did you have the new 33lb one? (don't know if there are any structural differences between the 2..)
Is there any reason you are using the graco seat instead (if you do own one)?

So what things DON'T you like about the seat? One thing I am really confused about is how the harness height adjusts :scratcheshead:

Do you think it would fit 7lb babies well?

so good to hear from you!

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
No, I don't have one, just played with one, and I had a Combi seat for DD2, so I'm a big fan of Combi. I wanted a Shuttle so bad for DS, but couldn't swing the $$ and my SIL gave me the SS1 so that's what we use. I'm totally buying one this summer for our foster babies though!

And, yeah, I hang out here now, when I have time ;) 3 kids, me in nursing school and working , and DH in school and working, means not alot of time for internet these days ;)


Active member
I had a Combi Connection for DS and loved it...I had the Combi Tandem Conterpart too. When looking I tried the side by side combi but with an infant seat my older child was soooo squished in the other seat, so maybe look to see if there's a tandem available, I LOVED my tandem combi stroller, it folded nicely and I loved how narrow it was.


New member

I love my keyfit(s). Had one for dd2 and got another one this time around. I think the head support is much better than any other infant seat. The little pillows keep the head upright perfectly. The infant support snuggles babies right in. I don't need the 30# limit either - dd2 is 28#s at 3, but it doesn't bother me to have it. lol

I find it easier to carry than the ss1 because the sides are smooth, no rough edge digging into your hip. I just stick my arm through the handle so the handle sits on my elbow. I find it less bulky and big than the ss1 - tried that one in the store.

I have the miro now and love it. I also love the bella and would've gotten it if I had a girl.

Good luck!


Admin - CPS Technician
I wish you could find a Shuttle to play with, too, I think it'd be a great one. I had the Centre, the older model without the rebound bar, and it fit my tiny newborn great. I think that bar would make it easier to carry, and I've seen kids prop their feet on it comfortably. If it still has a puzzle buckle, that might be a deal breaker, it was the reason I dumped the Centre, it was so hard to use that buckle. Anyway, light to carry, not hard to install... I had no other complaints about it. Yup, don't love it? Return it to a BRU or TRU (some nicer BRU's even have them on the floor, not mine, though :()


Senior Community Member
No, I don't have one, just played with one, and I had a Combi seat for DD2, so I'm a big fan of Combi. I wanted a Shuttle so bad for DS, but couldn't swing the $$ and my SIL gave me the SS1 so that's what we use. I'm totally buying one this summer for our foster babies though!

And, yeah, I hang out here now, when I have time ;) 3 kids, me in nursing school and working , and DH in school and working, means not alot of time for internet these days ;)

Thanks for all the info, I'm really glad to hear that the combi seats are well made. I know, I can't believe I'm spending so much money. I was always a cheapo with the other 2 kids :eek: (I bought the compass on sale for $79 and the SS1 on sale for $106) But we are recently out of debt (thank you dave ramsey!) and I've been working my butt off at work saving up cash to buy stuff I LIKE for this baby.

I hear you about internet. I'm not a person that can manage internet time wisely. Whenever I spend time on the internet (like looking at infant seats..hehe) I end up looking up at some point and seeing that it's midnight (!) or that one of my kids has gotten into something, etc. Erasing my accounts on most message boards was the best thing I've done for getting my life more organized. I'm glad to hear you are in nursing school still, I hope that is going great and that you are close to being done!


Senior Community Member
I wish you could find a Shuttle to play with, too, I think it'd be a great one. I had the Centre, the older model without the rebound bar, and it fit my tiny newborn great. I think that bar would make it easier to carry, and I've seen kids prop their feet on it comfortably. If it still has a puzzle buckle, that might be a deal breaker, it was the reason I dumped the Centre, it was so hard to use that buckle. Anyway, light to carry, not hard to install... I had no other complaints about it. Yup, don't love it? Return it to a BRU or TRU (some nicer BRU's even have them on the floor, not mine, though :()

It does have a puzzle buckle. Oddly, that doesn't bother me. I think I actually like them better because the female portion of the buckle isn't so wide. I just remember that when my son was very small, that HUGE round buckle on the SS1 would force his poor little legs out to the sides (unless I had him in a disposable diaper and he sat more under it)

I think I'm going to go ahead and just order this seat! That way I can actually play around with the seat more and even try it out in my car. Whenever I try to play with carseats in the store, I always end up being too distracted with my kids to focus well enough.
If I don't like it, I'll return it and end up getting a Keyfit I guess!

melniemi- I had not seen the Bella Keyfit before! That is pretty! So there IS a keyfit fabric that I like! Too bad it only comes as a travel system with a single stroller...I have NO use for a single stroller. And I can't find anywhere that sells the seat in that fabric separately :(


Active member
I played with a Shuttle 33 the other day and DS2 still fit in it with a couple inches still over the head in the highest setting! That makes it taller than the SS1 when adjusted up all the way, but it's the headrest that adjusts up over the top of the shell, so the shell is not taller than the SS1. The only problems I had with it was the puzzle buckle was hard to keep hold of to plug in and the sunshade was impossible to move all the way forward or back with the headrest up all the way. I loved the strap height/headrest adjustment! You just turn or squeeze somthing on the back and lift it up. DS2 was asleep when I put him in it and did not wake up, looked very comfortable even at his size. It didn't feel as wide as other seats as well. Over all, I really liked it!


New member
Maybe there is some way you can order the Bella cover seperatly? Worth a try if you really want it. :)


New member
I have had way too many infant seats and the only ones I like are the keyfit and the Onboard. The graco ones just don't really feel right when I have to carry them.

The keyfit is a great seat, but it is more awkward to carry than the onboard. The onboard has a higher shell it really doesn't take up that much more room than the keyfit in my vehicle.

My vote is for the onboard 35. No way a child will make it to 35lbs in this seat, but it's really a nice seat. (minus the stupid cover choices). I've almost abandoned my keyfit for it.


New member
You can get extra keyfit covers for like $45 shipped for everything, bella included. At least that's what they told me when I called about it. So you could just buy the cheapest kf you can find and then buy the extra cover set. Either keep the original for a spare, or sell it to recoup some of the costs.:love:


Senior Community Member
I played with a Shuttle 33 the other day and DS2 still fit in it with a couple inches still over the head in the highest setting! That makes it taller than the SS1 when adjusted up all the way, but it's the headrest that adjusts up over the top of the shell, so the shell is not taller than the SS1. The only problems I had with it was the puzzle buckle was hard to keep hold of to plug in and the sunshade was impossible to move all the way forward or back with the headrest up all the way. I loved the strap height/headrest adjustment! You just turn or squeeze somthing on the back and lift it up. DS2 was asleep when I put him in it and did not wake up, looked very comfortable even at his size. It didn't feel as wide as other seats as well. Over all, I really liked it!

ohhh, thanks for explaining that to me! When I looked at some pics, I saw 2 actual harness slots, but then I saw a turnie knob in the back view and was like huh?

And that was pretty smart of them....make it possible for the shell to go taller for older babies, but use a headrest to do it so that it doesn't take up unnecessary room when not needed. genius! :thumbsup:


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
One thing about the Shuttle 33-- if you plan on using it without the base, you can only do that to 22 lbs.


Senior Community Member
One thing about the Shuttle 33-- if you plan on using it without the base, you can only do that to 22 lbs.

Thanks for letting me know that! For me personally that won't be an issue. I don't plan on using the carseat past 22 pounds at all, actually. :) None of my kids have hit 22 pounds before 15-16 months old (my youngest is currently almost 17 months and 21 pounds)
I can see how it might be an issue for those people that have babies who are 22 pounds at 8 or 9 months though, so thanks for making sure I knew!


Active member
ohhh, thanks for explaining that to me! When I looked at some pics, I saw 2 actual harness slots, but then I saw a turnie knob in the back view and was like huh?

And that was pretty smart of them....make it possible for the shell to go taller for older babies, but use a headrest to do it so that it doesn't take up unnecessary room when not needed. genius! :thumbsup:

You can thread through either of those 2 slots in the headrest and then move up and down without rethreading, if that makes sense. Makes for lots of height options.

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