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  • Thanks so much for all the time and effort you put into this forum and your work keeping kids safe. I'd never heard of this website until I started doing research for an overseas trip, and since then I've learned a ton about the nuances of different seats and vehicles. You replied to my specific issue and I've noticed around the forums that you consistently provide excellent advice. Thank you for all that you do.
    Hello, i see you are the most Knowledgeable on this forum! i had posted a question in a thread, and apparently i don't see it there, i do not remember it word for word, but i was trying to get your attention. i thought i'd just message you directly. Me and My wife are expecting trips. she has a 2010 toyota corolla, we wanted to know what 3 can we fit in the back? since we will need infant then eventually car seats to booster. i hope you can help. Appreciate your time. Thank you.
    Thanks for your Thank You. I hope you like using it.
    I just bought a 2010 Corolla and I am thinking about getting a radian. Will it fit? My son is currently RFing in a britax BV and an ETA. He doesn't have much room in the ETA so I want to get a radian to keep him RFing longer.
    Thank you for a reply in a thread. It seems that if retro-fitting tethers to older model vehicles involves attaching an anchorage point to a cross bar under the seat, then they could review using the pre-installed floor bars as an option. I'm leaning toward the Sienna. Also, I plan on having at least one RF for a long time yet, so I will have the option of placing that seat in the middle. However, it is so unfortunate reputable car makers dropped the ball on this issue for so long.
    Hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow:) Thought I'd write you now before I forget tomorrow:) Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hi, I was wondering what seats you used to get them all three rear facing in your car? I am looking into downsizing my car to a smaller suv with only one row. Thanks!!

    Yeah. I actually haven't measured her in a while, she's closer to 16 now, I think.

    She's tall-- very tall-- but not off the charts any more. What does it though, is that for a long time half her length was her torso (now it's slightly less, she grew a wee bit in the legs.) But she's really really long-torsoed. She wears size 3T t-shirts, for the length, but only size 18 or 24 month pants (depending on brand.)
    I just noticed your youngest daughter's torso length! My mind is still spinning, she is one long baby! And here I thought Josef had a long torso, lol.
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