2 car seats on plane


New member
We're flying to Disney with our 2 kids. We plan to bring a laptop to let them watch a movie. Will they allow 2 car seats next to each other?


I have had two seats side by side on an airplane. The only thing I had to deal with with having the rearfacing seat by the window. On my first flight flying alone with my two kids, I met a flight attendant who was very sure that I would have to check a carseat since she thought "all carseats must be by the window". After presenting the FAA information though, I was allowed to fly with both my kids in the same row on the plane. I was even able to sit in-between the two seats on one flight so I could reach my baby easier.

Here is some info you may want to print off prior to your flight as it talks about FAA regulations when dealing with traveling with multiple children in one family on an airplane:
Official FAA guidelines on carseats on planes
New FAA clarification memo on carseats on planes
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New member
We have also had both carseats next to each other on the plane. I think we had DD FF by the window, and DS RF center. We never had anyone question anything other than making sure the seats had the FAA approved statement.


New member
Yup... as long as they're closest to the window. We travel with 3 carseats and each time we have, it's just happened to work out nicely - DH and the older two on one row, and me and the baby on another with an open seat. When I traveled with my SIL, they allowed us to put her Snugride in the middle seat because we were traveling together. These have all been Delta flights.


New member
mmmh...makes me thinking for our trip with twins, the base is usually not as wide as widest part of carseat, which is usually where they sit on, i.e. the evenflo triumph is 15" base width but 20" on widest part.

so I am thinking, if I put both kids next to each other, would that even fit, because the 2 wide seating parts will touch?

oh well, I won't have to worry about it until we get the whole row anyways, we've got 2 and 2 for now.

what carseats do you have and how old are your kids?


New member
DD1 is almost 5 and has a Marathon. DD2 will be 3 in August and rides RF in an EFTA. I was planning on FF her in the plane so she could watch a movie on the computer. She's 29 pounds and I plan on FF her at 3 yo anyway.

Is it really so bad to let her FF on the plane? :eek:

Anyway, back to the question, if they don't fit next to each other, I will sit between them with the computer on my tray.


New member
I would check with your airline before you plan on having two carseats in one row. I have flow several times with my two boys on Westjet, Air Canada, Harmony and Alaska and we have never been allowed to put two carseats in one row. (Something to the effect that in the event of an emergency... it would be too difficult to remove the children or something...) I have actually had the flight crew change our seats on the plane and not allow the flight to take off until we had the car seats away from each other. Anyway we just plan around it now and usually fly 2 and 2 or 2 and one kidlet on the isle across. Mine are a bit bigger now so it's easier to just leave the seats as gate check and use the seatbelt or cares. I would guess that not all airlines are the same in this regard maybe it has something to do with being in Canadian airspace??? Anyway just something to be aware of. :):

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