Top Tether Anchors Retrofit for 1996 Mercedes E320


New member
Hi All,
This is my first post to the forum, but I have been reading here for a while now and am learning a lot about car seats I didn't even know. I have a 1996 Mercedes E320 and would like to be able to tether a car seat in there. Does anyone know if it is possible to retrofit a 1996 Mercedes E320 with tether anchors? I called our local Mercedes dealer and they said it couldn't be done with a car that old. We don't have a car seat for my little one currently installed in this car (yet). I'd like to get him a Regent for this car, but since this seat must be top tethered past 50 pounds, he would have only about 10 pounds of use in this seat. I did check the car manual and it mentions no word of tethers. Thanks!

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Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
From the LATCH manual (page 224). The E320 1986 and later can have tether anchors installed in all 3 rear seating positions. The notes section says, "Weld nuts installed. Use the generic anchor kit provided by the restraint manufacturer. A 5/16" bolt is required for the weld nut." You will need to get the "spacer" from Mercedes; the part number for both center and outboard is 100 99 104 40.

You'll have to contact Britax to see if they have a tether anchor kit available. I've been told yes and no by different people. 1-888-4-BRITAX If Britax doesn't have the anchor, there are some other options, but that's where you should start.


New member
Thank you so much for the info. I'll check with Britax to see if they have a tether anchor kit available and also contact Mercedes with the information you've provided. I love this board!!

Thanks again!


Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
No problem, and if Britax says they don't have the part you need, post back, and we'll look into the other options. :)


New member
Well, I talked to Britax, and they said that everything that I need will come with the Regent. I hope that's right. Now, I just need to reach the right Mercedes person.

Thanks again!


Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
Unless something has changed, the rep you talked to at Britax was mistaken or misunderstood. The Regent does not come with a top tether anchor kit. You'll have to call them again when the seat arrives.


New member
Okay, I'll check with them again. I haven't ordered the seat yet. I wanted to be absolutely sure I could use the seat before ordering it.


Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
If I remember, I'll call Britax tomorrow and see what kind of answer they give me. This topic has come up a couple of times, and I still don't know what their official answer is.


New member
Okay, thanks. I haven't had a chance to call Britax back yet but with you being the expert, you could probably explain it better than I can. Well, I checked with one dealer and to have a tether anchor installed, it will cost $62.50 + $3.83 (not very happy about that - I was hoping they'd at least do one at no charge), and I'm waiting for a call back from another dealer.


Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
I just got off the phone with Susan at Britax, and they do have a kit. It's called an "Anchor Bolt for Tethering," and if you need one, they can send it to you free of charge.

I have to say, I smiled when I got Susan because she's always extremely helpful.


New member
Thank you so much for getting the info for me. I'm definitely going to keep this on hand for when I do decide to get the now that I know I can have the tether installed.



i have a 98 E320 wagon. ive called mercedes and nobody cares. any help? i dont see how i could tether to anything.


Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
Staff member
I had a look in the LATCH manual, and the same Mercedes E320 info. Ulrike posted above from the LATCH manual also applies to both the '98 E320 sedan and wagon models, and tether anchors can be retrofitted for all 3 rear seating positions. :thumbsup: You would need to contact the Mercedes dealership for the spacer part number 100 99 104 40, and contact the child restraint's manufacturer for the generic anchor kit.


Do you have any information regarding the compatibility of any car seats and the 1995 E320 Cabriolet?

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