League of Angels ad?


New member
Just today, on my PC, I'm getting several different versions of League of Angels ads, above SCM, and a couple of the other subforums in Coffee Break. This is my account on my own computer, and I know nobody has been looking for stuff like this, so I'm not sure why this is appearing. I don't even know what League of Angels IS, other than what I can see on these ads. It's animated, says "Play Now," on all of them, and is very, very suggestive (inappropriately so in several of the shots - :eek:). How do I make this go away?


Admin - Webmaster
Can you tell me which ad location where they appear, please?

Does it give a website URL so I can investigate more and possibly ban it?


New member
Now all I'm seeing in any forum in that location is Quaker Oats. I just took a screen shot to at least get you the location. It was in the position the Quaker ad is in. CSO Ad location.PNG

I just searched "league of angels" and it brings up multiple sites to play on, so I don't know what the ad would link to, but now that I actually did a search, I might see it again :rolleyes::cool:. If I do, I'll grab the link for you. Thanks, Darren!


Admin - Webmaster
Okay the large square on the left is the Google network so at least I know where they are coming from. If you see it again, please note if it gives an URL, or if you are willing to investigate, the resulting URL where it leads. I will keep an eye out for it too.


Admin - Webmaster
It appears to be an online computer game. Who knew that female angels all have such enormous... wings.


Admin - Webmaster
I blocked the website for the game, though without more information, that may or may not block the ads. I don't think the ads or game violate any ad network terms in regard to being adult-only content, so I don't think contacting support would do any good at this point.


Well-known member
Um, I was just coming to ask about this ad.....I left my laptop on the couch, went to grab a snack and came back to ds1 drooling over it. Awesome.


Active member
I am also getting it. :thumbsdown: There are a few versions, some of which are worse than others, but they are all pretty inappropriate.

Would you need anything else to 'ban' it. This is what I get when I right click and copy link location, if its helpful (i took out the http so it wouldnt create a link)



Admin - Webmaster
I blocked the entire website, gtarcade.com . Other than that, there is little else I can do unfortunately. Hopefully this will eliminate them within a few hours.


Admin - Webmaster
Wow I wasn't too offended by some of the ads, but the video enhanced one I just saw on CarseatBlog was pretty bad. I added another URL for that one. Please let me know if any of these ads continue to appear after today.


New member
The one I saw was animated with lots of strip-teasing. No actual nudity but pulling off shirts and pants etc, sticking bikini clad butts out really far and so on.

Now earlier the day I saw it a friend posted a link she used to help in picking a new mattress, and one of the categories on this link was how sex worthy a mattress was. It was broken down into different sub categories.

So I thought oh great, I triggered something here and now I am going to be getting all sorts of smutty ads on my computer.

I'm glad that is not the case. :eek:

I looked up public playground safety guidelines a few weeks ago and then for the longest time after, Hayneedle and such kept trying to sell me institutional playground equipment. I clicked on a link for a hippo car seat on amazon (I love hippos) and then I kept getting ads for pediatric wheelchairs and other adaptive equipment.

Now I am back to getting ads for expensive strollers from albeebaby. :)


Admin - Webmaster
It appears the block finally worked, as I have not been seeing any, either. Honestly I'm surprised that one got through Google's network at all, as they don't allow adult ads. There have been racy ads for perfumes and dating sites, but nothing I've seen like the one you described, which is the one I finally saw and clicked helping me to block it.


Admin - Webmaster
Thank you all for your patience!

I know you can use ad blockers, but the ads do pay for the site. Some pay a fraction of a penny each time they appear, even if no one clicks them, so they do slowly add up.


New member
It appears the block finally worked, as I have not been seeing any, either. Honestly I'm surprised that one got through Google's network at all, as they don't allow adult ads. There have been racy ads for perfumes and dating sites, but nothing I've seen like the one you described, which is the one I finally saw and clicked helping me to block it.

That is what I was seeing originally (what Yinzer described). It was um, somewhat eye-popping lol.

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