3 across, Dodge Caliber, 2 RFing - maybe a Pacifica?


Hi all,

My kids currently ride in a Dodge Caliber (07) for about 3-4 miles a day (Dad drops them off at daycare/ rare days if the minivan is in the shop).

Our oldest daughter is 4, 33 lbs, 41 inches tall, and in a Britax Advocate CS FFing. Our younger kids are 19 months old, one is 27 lbs, 32-33 inches tall and one is 21 lbs, 33-34 inches tall. They are currently RFing in Combi CCOs, and are pretty cramped/unhappy in them. (Since the RFing limit is 33 lbs, and the 27 lbs was a naked weight at the doctor's office last month, I suspect we will reach the limits of that seat pretty quickly - and it's all over once they are in winter boots/fleeces/etc.)

It's a tight fit for those 3 seats, so I need something really small. I was thinking of ordering a Diono (120 or RTX - advice welcome) and a Foonf to play with for the little guys, and a Diono (120/RTX - again, advice welcome) and a Clek Oobr to play with for our bigger kid. Any other suggestions? We've tried the Scenera and it didn't seem that big RFing.

Our other choice is that I saw a used Pacifica that is about as much at the Dodge is worth, so maybe we could trade and then have more flexibility with seats.

Thoughts/ advice? Thanks!

A's Mommy

New member
I had a Pacifica. Loved that car!! However, my second row was captain's chairs. I think a few models offered a bench seat in the second row. I mention this because the third row has basically no room. Just something to keep in mind.


New member
I have a Pacifica now. Its the 6 seater version with captains chairs in the second row and a 2 seater bench in the 3rd row. I can tell you for sure that the 3rd row is not at all carseat friendly because the base of the seat has a deep incline. Now, if the version you mentioned is the 5 seater version with a full bench for the second row and no 3rd row seats then you will probably be able to find 3 carseats to fit. Even though its a crossover type vehicle, I find it be pretty roomy & comfortable. And I have 3 kids & one on the way so ours is very full!


Bummer - it's a used model, with the 3 row, so I was thinking it'd make our lives easier. I ordered the Foonf (gulp) and the Radian, and we'll see if I can make it work as a 3-across in the Caliber. I am guessing we'll need to replace the soon to be outgrown CCOs and our oldest daughter's Advocate CS to make it work - but cheaper than a new car.

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