Installing Cosco Scenera on airplane


New member
I am traveling in 2 weeks from Phoenix to Chicago with my 15 month old she is about 28 pounds so we still have her rear facing in the car. Does that mean I also RF her on the plane?? and do you think it will be easy to install her Scenera on the plane? DH will be doing it and he is great at getting a tight install in out car! Just not sure if it will be a pain doing it on the plane?



New member
It should be about the same on the plane. Take a chunk of pool noodle or towel that you can roll for the recline, both in the plane and in the car at your destination.

If she RFes in the car then she should RF on the plane as well. Some flight attendants are misinformed, and will tell you that it must be FFing. Ask them to show you in their manual where it says that, because your carseat manual says you can RF on the plane. (It doesn't say that you can't, and it says you can RF a child of that age/weight.) The FA won't be able to find it in their manual because it isn't there. In fact, the FAA just clarified their policy to make it more clear that you can RF on the plane as long as the child is within the carseat's weight/height limits for RFing.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
It installs pretty upright on the plane, but you won't need the pool noodle on the plane. The seats are flat and it should give you just about a perfect 30 degree angle. I've used it on the plane RF several times and it's perfect. :) Super-easy with the lap belt too!


New member
I would ask for a belt extender, I hear they make it alot easier for when you need to uninstall the seat cuz those seat belts fasten in the middle.

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