Stroller for newborn and 3.5 yr old?

The Bjorns

New member
I'm trying to get some ideas for a stroller for a newborn (expecting in August) and an almost 3.5 yr old. DD just turned 3 and still really likes her stroller for shopping trips and going to the park. Coming home from the park is an ordeal when we're tired and have to trek up a steep hill (okay, it's a sidewalk so I'm not really complaining ;) ) She always wants to be buckled up in the stroller, even if it's parked and she's just going to sit and have a snack--yes, I trained her well--so I know she still enjoys a "traditional" stroller. I was originally thinking of a sit and stand style. I tried one out (don't remember the brand) and it was soooo long and it seemed like accessing the storage basket would be a nightmare. I've seen the Joovy Caboose in pictures and it just doesn't look like there is much room in the back, especially with the infant car seat. The owner of a great childern's products store highly recommended the Phil & Ted E3 (the 2007 new model that's replacing it) with the tandem seat attachment. It did handle nicely, but that was without kids and yikes on the price. I think DD will outgrow the rear seat weight limit quickly. But I did really like that once she's no longer interested in riding, I'm not stuck with a big ol' stroller for just one. One feature that I really did like was the fully reclining "bassinet" configuration for a newborn with the older one in front. However, I don't relish the idea of unbuckling a baby from the car seat and transfering her to the stroller. Too much of a hassle. I know there's an adapter for the car seats which I'd be very interested since it was always so convenient to just pop the seat in and out of the car and stroller.

Now that I've rambled a bit...what's worked for others when their kids have a pretty good age gap? Sit-n-Stand models? Traditional tandem? Some sort of hybrid? If I go with a standard tandem, do I just go for one of the less expensive models knowing I'll only use it for a short time and then get another single (our current Graco needs to be replaced at any rate)? What have you used and why did you love it/hate it?

TIA! Diane


New member
My son turned 3 two weeks after my second son was born. I ended up buying a Graco front/back double stroller. I bought it at a thrift store for $24. It was in great shape, all I had to do was order a new front tray from Graco. We used that stroller for about 7 months. I loved the bigger basket and being able to get to it. I used a Graco SnugRide and had luck attaching it to the front seat and the back seat of the stroller. My older son has always been in the 75-90 percentile for height and weight and fit great in this stroller! He never complained!

We then switched to a sit-n-stand stroller. It was long, but really no longer than the Graco double. I had a hard time getting to the basket, though. And a lot of times my son would want to turn around to look "out front" as he would say. But it came in handy at the mall when my older son didn't want to walk anymore. I never used the carseat adapter bar, though so I don't have experience with that.

I have recently sold both my strollers. I think out of the 2, I will miss the Graco double more. But I did like both strollers.

If you can find a traditional double at a consignment store, than it won't be so bad if it doesn't work for you after a couple of months.

HTH :)


New member
Have you considered a side-by-side? There are some pretty nice ones out there. I haven't tried any but that's another option. :)

I've had a Graco Duoglider and a Baby Trend Sit N Stand. I didn't like either of them. The Duoglider didn't even last a year before I couldn't stand it anymore. It was huge, hard to steer (though not as bad as some other tandems I've pushed - a fisher price one a gal I know had was AWFUL), and didn't hold up well. The wheels got really squeeky within a few months.

The Sit N Stand was nice in that the older one could get in and out and she pleased, but it sounds like that isn't going to be an issue with yours. :) She'd probably be happier in a real stroller seat rather than a bench at the back. The Sit N Stand was just as big and heavy and awkward as the Duoglider, though so it only lasted a month.

My current solution wouldn't work for you - a Maclaren with a buggy board attached. It's great for us because my 3.5 year old wants to walk 90% of the time. If she doesn't, she can ride on the back of the stroller.

I would have loved a Phil and Ted stroller - but couldn't justify the cost. Of course, with how much money I've spent of cheap strollers over the course of 3.5 years, I should have just bought one really nice one from the very beginning!


New member
It's good that there are lots of choices of tandems, but it also makes it harder to choose!

I recently (finally) made a decision on which one to buy (and it won't even be delivered until tomorrow, so I hope I'm going to be happy with it!) I keep my two great-nieces, ages 2.5 and 4 mos., and I wanted to be able to take all four kids (the girls and my two DS) out to run errands and go to the park, etc.

I already had a double jogger, which is great for walks around the neighborhood, but not convenient to take in the car. A friend loaned me a Graco DuoGlider, which has some good points, such as: large storage basket, two roomy seats, holds a Graco infant car seat, rolls and steers well (if you're on a flat, smooth surface). It is big, bulky, and a little heavy, though...I'm already tired of loading it in our minivan; not sure if it even fits into smaller car trunks. Plus the one I borrowed is missing the sun canopies, so the search continued.

You may want to wait until after the baby's born to shop around. You could carry the baby in a front pack or sling and continue to use a single stroller for your DD for the first few weeks. Or maybe borrow a Graco or another double that will hold the infant car seat, and use that for a while until you get a good idea of what you need most in a double stroller. (Or look for an inexpensive used one on craigslist, etc.)

I ended up going with a Kidco side-by-side umbrella style from albeebaby. It's discontinued, so the price was great, and it holds up to 50 lbs per seat. (I just hope I don't have any issues with it since Kidco isn't making them anymore.)

Maybe plan on getting two types of less expensive strollers? Something like the Jeep side-by-side to keep in the car for running quick errands, and then a larger one for walks and trips to the park. I just talked to someone with a Joovy Caboose at the zoo, and she said she loves it. (But I think it's also been mentioned in some reviews that it's hard for the older child to use the jump seat when a car seat carrier is in the front.)

Good luck with the new addition to your family and the stroller shopping!


Remember that the front/back model will steer better with the heavier child in the back.

The sit and stand will hold a total of 80 lbs. The basket is easy to get into front the side, undo one snap. The new Quattro tour hold 50 in the front and 40 in the back, I know, stupid, I wish it was the other way around, but it makes sense because the back seat reclines more that the front seat. Both, of course will hold a car seat.


New member
Have you thought about the Combi front and back (counterpart duo I believe)
or the bumble ride queen b with toddler jump seat or a Mountain Buggy Urban Double with bassinet I am helping my goddaughters mother shop for a double and these are all very nice options. I'm also looking for a double -quad to use when I start watching kids from my house during the day :twocents:


New member
I have a 3.5 yr old (who walks SO slow and still likes her stroller) and a newborn.

I bought an e-3 last August to use as a single all-terrain, then a double when I had my son. It has been great. DS lOVES to lay on his tummy and he is sort of hidden from plain view so all the little old ladies don't go crazy. LOL. DD likes sittng in the seat on the front, and actually likes sitting in the back too when it's it toddler/toddler mode. (I've babysay and used it that way.)

It's VERY easy to push with my 35 lb daughter, DS, and stuff in the basket and bags on the handles. I can steer it with one hand no problem. It's also very small for a double, which I love. I know I will use it as a singel when DD doesn't ride anymore and with any other kids, so in my mind it was worth the money. I got mine for under $400 with the doubles seat. I saved my birthday money and spending money and DH contributed a little to be abel to get it without crashing the budget and it is so worth it. Even DH, who is alsways skeptical of another stroller is very pleased and loves it.

I have a friend with a 3.5 yr old, 2.5 yr old, and 9 month old and she has the sit and stand. It's nice fo her since both older boys can sit in the back or one can sit and one can stant, but even with just the infant in the stroller it's MUCH harder to push then the e-3 and requires two hands. You also HAVE to use the infant seat for the baby till they can sit well. My DD still sleeps sometimes in the stroller and she can sleep in the e-3 seat but there's no way she could sleep in the sit and stand.

ETA- I don't find it to be a pain to not be able to use my infant seat. I have a Snap and go for quick errands (like the post office) when I want to leave DS in the car seat. Anytime DD will need a stroller (mall, zoo, etc) I wouldn't want to leave DS in the car seat that long anyway so it was an easy choice.
So, there are other options, but the e-3 has worked GREAT for me!


New member
I just responded in the thread for the person who was looking for a double. I love my Joovy Caboose. You can buckle your older child in on the jumpseat in the back or she can stand. Then the baby in the front, it accepts an infant seat if you chose that also. Check out the other thread for where I got mine.


New member
Hi, just stopping in here, but did anyone mention the P3??

I found myself in a similiar boat as you. I had my last child 7 1/2 months ago, and next youngest was almost 2.5. At that point, I couldn't see her riding or walking much, so we kept the DUOGlider and were happy. But then it got harder to push, and it became such a pain to go out... did we need the single- which was soooooo much nicer and convenient, or should we bring the double just in case? I looked at all my options and in the end decided to take the plunge and reallly seek out a P3.

The P3 is basically a single with a step above the rear tire for an extra rider, should they need or want it. It doesn't get in the way of anything, it isn't an eye sore, but is still big enough for the little feet of the rider. For me, it was the perfect solution. New retail is about $330, or you might be able to find a better deal on last years models online. I got a GREAT deal from a fellow member on here. You can also check StrollerSwap on Yahoo and your local Craigslist, too.

Hope this help....


New member
I love my p3 too. But you can't recline it and take on another rider. It does have very nice side wings for little ones to lean againist. So if you take a sling/wrap/ergo for the times when your oldest needs to ride for the first few months but once baby is sitting up it is great.



New member
I love my p3 too. But you can't recline it and take on another rider. It does have very nice side wings for little ones to lean againist. So if you take a sling/wrap/ergo for the times when your oldest needs to ride for the first few months but once baby is sitting up it is great.


Yeah, I agree... I am glad I waited and just dealt with my older DUO. It matched my car seat and the in and out option was great!! But once we moved her from the infant seat to the MA, it was the perfect time... and morth then worth the wait ;)


New member
i hate double strollers. i have a 4 yo, 21 mo and 4 mo. never use a double anymore. couldn't find one i liked. i simply use my maclaren quest with one of them, wear either or both of the youngers and maybe have the 4yo actually walk. i find wearing both comfy since the youngers are the same weight roughly. honestly, i wouldn't go and get a double till you know you need it. baby wearing is so much easier.


Senior Community Member
I adore my E3V2. It is the best double out there. My kids are 3 years, 1 month apart and it has been perfect.

In toddler/newborn mode... the toddler seat sits on the front of the stroller and will hold 44 LBS:D This should fit your DD for quite awhile until the baby is sitting up.

In toddler/toddler mode... the toddler seat sits on the back of the stroller and will hold up to 33 LBS:) Once the baby is old enough and sitting up, the baby can sit in the back (with the 33lb weight limit) and the front seat will hold up to 50 LBS:D

I was also able to fit my Snugride into the bassinet portion of the E3V2 and Aiden sat in the toddler seat up front... made quick trips into the store super easy with the new baby since the baby could stay sleeping in the carrier/carseat while we zipped in/out. I am getting a Safeseat1 for baby #3 and have already tried it out in the bassinet as well. It is a tighter squeeze, but I can still get it in there, yay!

I have had up to 70 lbs of toddlers, plus two stocked panniers (one is my diaper bag and the other holds my cooler filled with snacks, drinks, ect.) and it was still fairly easy to push.

We took this stroller everywhere with us until about a year ago. Then I got my P3 and now that goes everywhere indoors/short trips (malls, stores, ect.). However, the E3V2 still goes to the parks, zoo, amusement parks, stampede... anywhere I think Aiden won't walk the whole time (basically any day trips/outings). He is 5 years old, tall for his age and still fits comfortably in the front seat. Mikkel hangs out in the back and loves his space.

The only downside to my E3V2... my jealousy over the new Sport model... it has the jump seat that reclines, the easily adjustable handle, and that awesome green colour! I really want to upgrade to the new sport model (2007 model), but can't do it. My E3V2 is still in perfect shape after almost 4 years of owning it and going through 3 toddlers and a newborn.

Hope that helps some... if you have any questions, just ask.


New member
I LOVE MY Phil & Ted's E3 (but also jealous of the new Sport model)!!! Love it so much I sold my P3! It's just barely wider than it, so I'm going to just use the PTE3 as my single too! :thumbsup:

I bought mine in Feb when DS#1 turned 3 yrs and DS#2 was 2 mths. The baby actually hated the bassinett, but he didn't like laying flat anywhere! Plus he was already almost too long! So for a couple of weeks if I needed my 3 yr-old to be contained, I wore the baby. Or I stuck the carseat in the stroller and let my older walk. If the baby is asleep, I keep in the carseat and my older sits on the footrest. I'll admit it's terrible steering the stroller like that, but it works for just short stints. Now baby is big enough for the back seat and seems to like. One day I put the baby up front and he fell asleep, so I had big brother get in the back!! He's just barely over the weight limit, so it worked, but I won't do it a lot cause the baby isn't heavy enough to balance the weight yet!

I think DD will outgrow the rear seat weight limit quickly.
That wouldn't be a problem b/c the older child is supposed to sit up front, and the younger behind. (front seat limit is 55 lbs and rear is 30 lbs)

About the carseat adapter, I believe it's just a strap that goes over the carseat. I didn't bother with it, but if you plan to do heaving walking on hills, you should get it. And, it looks like the bar on the Sport is curved, so I don't know if the carseat would sit nicely on that! You could test in the store.


New member
I love my P&T sport. Both of the boys i watch have fallen asleep in it already. The boys are 17 months and they both like both seats I am glad i bought it. No help with a newborn though.

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