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  • I thought I sent you a message, but it isn't showing up, so I will try again. I was wondering whether you installed your Radian XTSL in the center of your Mazda using LATCH or seatbelt? I want to use mine in my Mazda 3, RF center. Thanks! Allison
    I saw your post on the "3 Across" thread. Do you think that a FF Radian, RF Marathon, FF Parkway would work in an '03 Dodge Caravan w/the split bench? I'm having trouble finding a store that has the Radian and Parkway in stock to try it before we buy it.

    Hi you helped me the other day with my question about the best car seat, I also have a Mazda 3. Since then I went out and bought 2 of the Cosco Sceneras one for my car and 1 for my parents and will be buying a Britax for our car in 2 weeks. But I seen you have your seat installed using the latch, is that the best way to install a RF car seat in a Mazda and also where did you get the extra belts to connect it the latch way! Again sorry if I sound ignorant but this is new to me and I just want to make sure we are doing this the right way!! Thanks!!
    Thanks sooo much for the link to the pics! That really helped seeing all of the older kids in Radians. We have a 65 right now (unused) but I think I want to return it and hold out for the new XT's...can't decide though. My ds is only 15mos RF so we might get a cheaper seat for now and wait for the new Radians. Anyway, thanks again!
    Hi-I was just curious about your avi-is your LO is RF in a Radian? We are about to do the same thing and I would love to see a pic of someone who actually has their child ERF in a Radian...thanks in advance! -Emily
    sorry for speaking on your behalf in that 32" rf limit thread on cdn forum... I wasn't sure if you were around... Ang
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