g diapers


New member
I have seen posts about cloth diapers, and of course to me, I just keep thinking of poop in cloth diapers and think oh goodness that would be messy.
So i am asking one, why do you guys use them?
Also, I found these diapers called g diapers, has anyone ever used them before? they use liners that you can flush making them better to use than the regular disposable diapers.
Has anyone used them and thought they were good, bad or what?


New member
They're not magically better, the contents still end up in the trash, but there's less plastic involved. They're really pricy though.


Senior Community Member
I am not aCDing mommy, although I would like to be. A few reasons for CDing:

Less Money, although it does require more of an initial investment, it can be less than sposies

Less Chemicals, alot of sposies have chemicals that can irritate some skin.


New member
thanks for the info im thinking of trying them see how we do on them. My son is nearing a year old so hopefully by 2 he'll start picking up potty training since he has big bro to watch. im wondering if a pair of cloth for my oldest at night would be good, cause he still wets the bed and washing his sheets each day is getting tiresome cause he doesnt want the pull ups on him. Has anyone done used them for nighttime and not had major leaks? Are there any for that i have seen the vinyl for potty training but i know he wouldnt like those and they would leak im sure


New member
I use Fuzzi Bunz at night with Hayley, she's really big for her age and still wets the bed. We've never had a single leak, and she leaked out of Pull-ups every night.


New member
why we use cloth:

for $300 i bought everything i need from birth to pt, though i have since spent a little more on some wool and trying fun stuff, my dipes are in great shape and on to baby2

i can't stand the smell of sposies that are scented to hide the smell of the chemicals and pee (my cloth soesn't smell)

you should be dumping poop off any dipe, not just cloth. most people don't, and then wrap the dipe in a garbage bag and landfill it, which contaminates groundwater and is gross

cloth is cute

i make fat babies who become skinny toddlers, cloth keeps the pants up

saves resources

isntt really all that gross to wash, nor does it take much more time from my week.

g dipes are a great idea, though a bit more expensive, i've used them when we travel w/o cloth, or we use 7th gen unbleached dipes.


New member
wow thanks for all the information. what would be great starter ones for a 10 month old who weighs nearly 22 pounds (he lost weight cause he's been sick)
Also how is the cloth diapers when they are sick and have it all watery cause lately my son has been sick and its been coming out of his diapers.


Moderator - CPST Instructor
wow thanks for all the information. what would be great starter ones for a 10 month old who weighs nearly 22 pounds (he lost weight cause he's been sick)
Also how is the cloth diapers when they are sick and have it all watery cause lately my son has been sick and its been coming out of his diapers.

My ds had norwalk/noro-virus over christmas, and with 2 weeks of diarrhea, we never once had a blow-out onto his clothes. So a good cloth diaper will beat a disposable diaper hands down any day.

We switched to cloth with my dd when she was 8 months old and used fuzzi bunz pocket diapers for the first while. Pocket diapers have a waterproof outer and an inner fabric like fleece with a space at the back to put absorbent material like microfiber or hemp or whatever you like. The fleece pulls the liquids into the insert and also keeps babies bum feeling dry. It also makes solids pretty much fall off into the toilet so you don't have to dunk & swish or any of that. ;) Fuzzi Bunz come with inserts when you buy them, and getting a few extra inserts and doubling them up at night will get you through a whole night without any leaks. My 2.5 yo regularly is in her night diaper 12 hrs without leaks.

As for where to start... depends on what's important to you. Ease of use? Daddy friendly? One-step? or is it more about whatever will work and saving money? There are a ton of different options available, I will say not to go out and buy gerber prefolds and plastic pants though because it won't give you a true sense of what cloth is like. :cool:

There are a ton of online sites that sell diapers, prefolds are most economical, pockets have the adjustable absorbency and waterproof outer so no additional cover is needed going for them... you can also get a diaper that is all-in-one and goes on like a disposable and then goes straight into the wash.

So maybe post a bit more about who'd be using the diapers, what's important, that kind of thing and there are quite a few of us around here that cloth diaper and will probably be able to help. You might also want to visit www.diaperswappers.com It's a site devoted to cloth diapering and lots of moms there help give info on where to start and learning the basics. :)


New member
I just purchased an aio one from an ebay store. I got one for my oldest son, to try out and use at night. Im getting sick of changing sheets every night it seems. We're so afraid to put pull ups on him, these look like they would feel more like his underwear and hopefully wont confuse him. (we did just recently sorta start back on the diapers especially if he had something to drink late) we cut him off to keep him from wetting the bed. So I am starting with that one for him. I feel stupid cause I bought some diapers today for the youngest.
As far as what I am looking for, well im reading that cloth diapers are better not only environmentally but also for them. So I want something that will keep from leaking, (I change diapers majority of the time anyway) so really its not for who. but since I got my oldest one already, Im looking for my youngest, 10 months. He's been sick lately and we really dont know how long its going to last. He's a big boy, and he's in size 5 for the regular diapers. I dont want to go really expensive, and right now, I just want to try and see how they work for him and then if everythings great like I hope, I'd get more. So basically something starter. Where can I buy the fuzzi buns I did a search on ebay and they were selling like crazy except for the huge lots. Also, is it really true about the regular wipes that they arent really good to use? I hate regular wipes but I just cant see how to make it easy to use the reusable ones when I would need them wet and I have had to change a diaper out in the car before, cause there was no changing table in the bathroom at the resturant we were at. (this was today actually) What do you guys do with those as far as things like that?

all together ooky

New member
I used cloth and totally became addicted to it. My reasons:
1. comfort-I know I'd rather have cloth on my behind than paper and plastic with chemicals.

2. Cost- Newborn to potty trained was about $600 (I got some cute stuff too) and I can use most of it for the next child.

3. Cute! Disposables are not cute.

4. Never had a poop blowout. NEVER!

Be wary of EBAY for cloth diapers. Expecially AIOs. I'd recommend going to www.diaperpin.com for reviews and store listings. There are a ton of online stores to buy them from.

I wasn't a purist-I used cloth wipes and just plain tap water at home, but when I was out and about I'd use the disposable wipes. Sposie wipes have chemicals and they're just plain rough (try wiping your face with it). But, somtimes I'd wet a pile of cloth wipes and put them in a small ziploc bag. then you just put the dirty wipes with the dirty diaper in a large plastic bag until you get home.

My favorite dipaers were just plain Chinese prefolds with a Snappi and then a cover. So easy to launder. DO NOT USE GERBER! Junk.


New member
the only blowouts we've had were in sposies (with dd I kept a small pack in the car for the days I ended up out longer than my # of dipes packed)...

we use prefolds (look for "dsq" diaper service quality) and snappi instead of diaper pins, and covers made of wool or waterproof fabric (I prefer bummis and motherease covers). these are the "old fashioned" ones that our parents used.

gross poop, illness, etc... it all goes in the wash! I just run one cycle w/o soap to get the poop rinsed out and washed a bit, then wash on hot w/soap, and rinse again. If your child has an accident in undies or a blowout, you wash their clothes the same way (sometimes with the dipes!)


New member
We actually started cloth diapering Jackson because he had very bad eczema in the diaper area that just got worse over time. I started out with bummis covers and prefolds...It was pretty good that way. I liked it so much I started CDing Camille as well. After a couple of weeks of reading about different kinds of diapers, I wanted to try some other kinds. I ordered a couple of pockets and AIOs. My Favs so far are the Fuzzi Bunz, Snappis, My precious baby by April with Snaps.
You see the odd thing was, I didn't want to try snaps, I just knew I would like the Velcro better, I didn't. (I also thought I would like the one-sizes-fits-all, I really didn't)

So my advise would be, order a couple of pockets, a snap and a velcro, a couple of covers and prefolds, a couple of AIO. That way you not only know if you like cloth diapering or not, but what kind of diapers you like best.

Jillian's Drawers, has a Changing Diapers, Changing Minds Program where you send back the diapers you don't like, and if you retrun the whole package within 14 days of recieving it, you get all your money back minus $10. Here is a link to that (I wish I would have done that) http://www.jilliansdrawers.com/cdcm.html


New member
thanks so much once again. My oldest has ezcema and the dr just recently said she believes my youngest does too. So now both my kids and myself have it as I see. So maybe it will help out better with my youngest. He hasnt gotten really bad diaper rashes but I know he breaks out. since i just bought some diapers Im going to purchase a few and start trying them at home *and use the others when out* Im usually at home anyway with occasional trips out. If I like it, and it helps him out, *cause hes got a yeast infection right now from his antibiotics* then I'll make the switch and get more.
I know i dont want the ones with the pins lol, I just cant see myself doing that one. actually.
Im going to check out the last link that and see if I can get to try them all, except for the ones you use pins lol just cant see doing that one.
Thanks again guys


New member
Are there any stores that sell these too? Or do you have to order them online to buy cloth? I know i dont want gerber ones, but what about any of the others, do any stores actually sell them?


Well-known member
You will pretty much have to buy all the diapers online. Depending on what you want to do, prefolds would be the cheapest. To use them without pins, you can just lay them in a cover and velcro or snap the cover on. Very simple. That's what we mainly use and I have never had a leak out of the cover. We also have some fitteds that I use with wool, since I don't really like to pin or snappi. Fitteds are cloth diapers that look sposie like, but need a cover. We also have some pockets, mainly fuzzibunz and swaddlebees for DS at night when DH has him, since he hates prefolds. These are nice, because you can have them ready to go and DH just has to put on a dipe, just like sposies and not have to worry about a cover. I've never used an AIO, so no suggestions there.

Personally, I would hold off on switching to cloth until the yeast infection is gone. Too much chance of the dipes not getting clean enough and respreading the yeast to baby. Yeast can be tough to get out, I believe.

Erika Ruth

New member
I use G's I LOVE them. I flush them, so stuff doesn't end up in the landfill. My Daughter gets rashes from regular disposables.

The G's are great.

If you have any questions about them, please just ask! :)



Admin - CPS Technician
I have seen posts about cloth diapers, and of course to me, I just keep thinking of poop in cloth diapers and think oh goodness that would be messy.
So i am asking one, why do you guys use them?
Also, I found these diapers called g diapers, has anyone ever used them before? they use liners that you can flush making them better to use than the regular disposable diapers.
Has anyone used them and thought they were good, bad or what?

I use G's, but I hate the Gpants, so I just use them in Fuzzi Bunz! (they are like maxi pads, just lay them in the diaper and snap up)... Actually, doing ALL cloth is actually really easy, you get a 'wet bag/pail liner' that's like a plastic/cloth trashbag, and use it in a 13 gallon garbage can with a lid, drop everything icky in there, just like a trashcan, and then every couple days you just dump the whole thing, inside out, into the washer... no harder or grosser than plastic bags full of poopy trash, really. G's are a little more trouble, because you have to have to deal with flushing AND where to put the wipes AND where to put the poopy liners and pants... that's just too many disposal systems for me to manage with any finesse, personally...though sometimes we use them at night, because then we can just flush the liner and it's not so critical to get a peeped cloth diaper down to the wet bag (they get a bit rank if you leave them in your upstairs bathroom for a day or two, lol).

We like Happy Heiny's best, actually...the velcro is easy for DH to work with.



New member
Also, I found these diapers called g diapers, has anyone ever used them before? they use liners that you can flush making them better to use than the regular disposable diapers.
Has anyone used them and thought they were good, bad or what?
I almost hate gdiapers...they are ok but the thing that bothers me is that the insert thing gets bunched up in the middle...if baby poops the poop ends up ALL over the snap in liner...SUCH a mess! I thought they were a good alternative until I tried actual cloth diapers..I've been buying them from other mama's like crazy at www.diaperswappers.com. I've got some Kissaluvs, Motherease, Disposanots, and a few other homemade ones coming, I'll let you know what my opinions are on them...so far my absolute favorite dipe is the Crickett hemp fitted. Its SO absorbant! And you have to try wool longies and shorties as covers...they are awesome.


New member
I use G's, but I hate the Gpants, so I just use them in Fuzzi Bunz! (they are like maxi pads, just lay them in the diaper and snap up)...

how do you keep the G pads from bunching up?? Thats the only reason I dont use the ones I have. I like the G covers over fitteds and prefolds...they work great!
I wanted to buy the flushable liners but maybe I should try what you do! Fuzzi Bunz are pockets right?

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