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  • C
    Would you still be willing to sell your XTSL cover?
    Very important information! By the time we meet up, I'll have my new Frontier... you can touch it if you want ;)
    I'm totally cool and I live near Disney and I often travel there to meet totally cool people... just in case you are ever in the area the week of my birthday which happens to be 3 weeks from now... :whistle:
    Hey arly! Did you get my PM? I am not sure how this new message thing works. LOL!

    Hey Arly! It's Jamii. I'm not sure of your current seat stash, but I have a Radian if you want to get together to work on your 3 across situation! (That is if you get a new car). Just let me know! And congrats again on the new pregnancy!
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