Question Best used fuel ecomomy family car with 3 kids




We are looking for a second vehicle for our family of 5. Looking to save some money on gas. Would love something with great highway mileage as My return trip to work is about 80 km.
Kids are currently:
10 yo, 64 lbs, 50” - in Diono backless booster
7.5 yo, 60 lbs, 48” - Graco Highback Booster (Turbobooster?)
4.5 yo, 42 lbs, Diono Radian RXT FF

We were hoping we could somehow manage in a small car - Focus, Civic or Impreza but that’s NOT going to happen. Lol
We’ve tried. They are just too small.

This will be our second vehicle so will not travel long distances with all the kids but would like to be able to go to my parents and in laws an hour away comfortably.

Currently have my eye on 2013 Legacy, 2011 Forester, 2014 Fusion...... that are all in our budget.

Any suggestions?


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My DH drives a 2012 Subaru Outback and I've gotten a Frontier or Nautilus, a backless Parkway and an adult in the back seat of that car on a 3 hour road trip though it wasn't the most comfy for the adult in the back because all of the adults on the ride were on the large side. Currently I have a backless harmony youth booster, a RFing Extend2Fit or a RFing Scenera Next and an almost 14 year old boy in the back seat.

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