In Search Of Radian rxt and keyfit



Senior Community Member
I've got a key fit. No accidents, no plane rides, 3 covers expires in 2018. 2 bases (the extra base expires in 2016). $100 plus shipping from 84081


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New member
I've got a key fit. No accidents, no plane rides, 3 covers expires in 2018. 2 bases (the extra base expires in 2016). $100 plus shipping from 84081
Crashing thread... What month does your older base expire, and would you consider selling it & (maybe) one cover?

Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk


New member
I have a brand new never used chicco keyfit 30 magic rattania with a 2nd base nib & brand new miro replacement cover set. I was thinking of listing them locally on CL b/c I wasn't sure of how much shipping would be for a box that size. I don't mind selling items separately. I'll have to check expiration & take pics when I get home from work but they should be around year 2020.

Prices below are pre-shipping. I prefer to sell locally to Houston, TX 77095.

Chicco KeyFit 30 Magic - Rattania $150
Chicco KeyFit 30 Replacement Cover - Miro (includes canopy, canopy frame, infant inserts & shoulder pads) $60
Chicco KeyFit Base $60


New member
Sorry I didn't update this. I decided to just go with a convertible for the car I couldn't manage a three across with my current seats. No longer need the keyfit.

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