Nabi 2 deals and opinions


Well-known member
Deals? Are these ever on sale outside of Black Friday?

Opinions? Are they a good choice? Worth the money? What accessories does one need to add? At $180 for the tablet, I need to know what this will really add up to and if we should get them now or wait longer. How durable are they? I normally never get those extended warranties, but should I consider it for this? Thanks!


Active member
I don't know about deals, but what age kid are you considering it for? DD2 has had one for a few years. I have no real complaints. It has stood up to a few drops, and we've had no functional issues other than a bad charger that they replaced for free.

I will say though that she now uses just about none of the stuff that came on it. We never got into the chore chart thing and she's way beyond most of the educational apps. It works fine as an android tablet though and she's got lots of apps from the Amazon app store that she likes. I do think though that at 9 now, a Kindle Fire or other regular android tablet in a good case would probably be even better.

For a really young kid or with others to pass it down to though, the Nabi is a good choice. We've bought no extra accessories. She uses her regular earbuds with it when she needs them. She's paid for a few apps at a dollar or two a piece and that's all.


Well-known member
It would be for kids turning 6 and 8 as their first tablet. It says for 6+, so I thought this was the right one, but would like it to last a couple years if we're spending this much. I don't know what other options we have in this price range. Any suggestions? They're close enough in age that I don't think they'd be okay with having different devices.

I'm glad to hear the apps are cheap and nothing else is required.


Active member
My 6 year old has one and loves it! He uses it daily to watch Netflix and he's loaded tons of games from google play & the amazon app store. My 11 year old plays minecraft on it a lot too. Nabi offers free game bundles a couple times a year too.


Well-known member
My 6 year old has one and loves it! He uses it daily to watch Netflix and he's loaded tons of games from google play & the amazon app store. My 11 year old plays minecraft on it a lot too. Nabi offers free game bundles a couple times a year too.

So you don't think a just turned 8yo would be too old for it? What types of games are available? Do they have low key age appropriate educational games that aren't the typical action filled video games?

In addition to ages, you probably need to know more about our intended use to know if it would be the best option. I'm not a big fan of electronics for kids, but I can't hold off forever, so I like the idea of time limits and censoring features offered by these kid tablets. Basically, I was looking for an MP3 player, camera, book reader, along with some low key educational games, paint or other art programs, and other basic computer usage. If they wanted to use it to watch a bit of netflix kids, that would be fine too.


Active member
I don't think an 8 yr old is too old for it, but unless something has changed, you're going to have to weed through a bunch of preinstalled stuff that's too young. I've not been particularly impressed with the selection in the Nabi store, but there are plenty of age appropriate options in the Amazon app store and Google play store and the Nabi set up does make it pretty easy to control what's on there if that's what you want to do.

DD2 mostly uses hers to play Minecraft PE and listen to music with our Rhapsody account. She also checks books out on Overdrive fairly often. I guess my point was just that IME you don't really need the Nabi features for an older kid, but it absolutely is still usable.


Well-known member
So, do you think we'd be wasting our money paying for things we don't need? Or is there something better? Are games what it's mainly intended for?


Active member
So, do you think we'd be wasting our money paying for things we don't need? Or is there something better? Are games what it's mainly intended for?

Not necessarily. It really depends on the kid and what you want to be able to do with a tablet. I just know for us, we didn't really end up making use of the extra features like the chore chart and coins and DD wanted to use the apps and play the games that her friends had on their ipads and such, not so much the ones that Nabi offers. I do like that I have to put in a password and specifically make apps accessible, but that's the only feature I really make use of and other tablets can be set up to do that as well. I also think it just looks more baby-ish and she's not going to want to be using it in another year or so even though it's perfectly functional.

I would also look at the Kindle Fire and Nook HD if you want something book/education centric.

Two of my older kids have Kindle Fires and I find I can monitor them just as well since they're connected to my Amazon account. I don't have to physically put in a password every time they get an app, but I get an email so I'm aware. I also have anything that needs to be purchased with money PIN protected. They also offer Freetime parental controls which can be used with or without the monthly subscription and I was able to set instant video parental controls for each device. Google apps can be side loaded. DH has a Nook HD. Nook allows multiple profiles so you can restrict things for kids with it and it also has Google Play Access.

Both the Kindle Fire and Nook are about $50 cheaper than the Nabi although you'll also need to get a case. We've been pleased with $10-15 Flintie covers from Amazon, but if you feel like you need something more robust, it could be more. I do think though with these, while it's a little more effort to set up the controls, you won't have any possible issues with it being outgrown. They are all 3 great, functional tablets though!


Well-known member
Thank you, Sirrahn! This is super helpful! I think we should look into all 3 options. Originally, I had been thinking of something like a Nook, but then I wondered if it'd break on first drop. But maybe we just need a good case and warranty. :)

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