Would it be ok to put the address for this site on a note?



Would it be ok to put the address for this site on a note?

For example, tonight I left a note on a car that had a FF Evenflo shield seat w/ the straps in the bottom harness slots. I just said that they needed to move them to the top slots and to check their manual to confirm it, but I suspect that they were making other mistakes. Maybe the reason they were using the bottom slots was that the baby was too young to FF. Maybe they have a 23 lb 6 mo old who needs a different seat to RF. Maybe the seat is too loose. All these things I can't tell just by walking by.

Is it ok to put something like, "www.car-safety.org has more information about this" at the bottom of a note like that?


Go for it!

The more the word gets out on car safety, the better!

If you have hospitals or police departments in your area that do free carseat checkups, consider putting their number on the flyer, too.



Unfortunately, there are *no* techs here...

I'm overseas in Germany (on a US base). I'm trying to start a program, though.



I'd be happy to fly over on the government's dollar to do inspections:)

That must satisfy some government requirement for injury prevention.....



I'm hoping to convince the base commander to fly an instructor over here on the government's dollar. ;) I figure if that happens, we can run a bunch of people through the 4 day training over a period of 2 weeks, plus maybe a couple of 2 day & 1 day classes. I think there's some interest at the hospital. And DH is an MP, so I think I can convince someone in his battalion that the road warriors :rolleyes: need it, too.

My other idea is to send someone from this base to the states and have them certified as an instructor. Is that an 8 day course, or is there more involved than that? I *wish* it could be me, but w/ 2 kids under 4 years I don't think I should persue that at this time.


Instructor requirements

There is not another class to become an instructor, but you do have to participate in teaching a 4-day class. You also need references and teaching experience. See:


So, we could bring an instructor here for 2 weeks...

to teach several classes. A couple of the people who take the first class and get certified could also help teach the other courses and then qualify to become instructors? Hmmmm.

I really wish DH weren't working such long hours! I'm a SAHM (by choice), and it's really hard to coordinate something like this without being able to meet the right people in face to face. Suposedly, this is DH's busy season and things will get better in the fall, but I'm not sure I believe that. He's worked sucky hours since we got here, and the "best" it has been has not ever been good enough. Heck, he's had an infection in his toe for 6 mo and can't get 2 hours off to see a doctor!

And, now that I've totally gotten off topic, THANK YOU for the information. :)


Not quite that easy!

I've heard there is sort of an "unwritten" rule that you have to be certified for 6-12 months before applying to be an instructor unless there are extraordinary circumstances. If you do bring in an instructor, I'd have a lot of communication with that person before the trip to see if such a thing is possible.

Sorry to hear things are busy everywhere. So much for the hope that people in other countries might have the easy lifestyle:)

As for off-topic, I don't think that's a problem on this forum!


It never is...

You don't think being overseas at a large military installation would qualify as "extraordinary circumstances"? 'Cause I don't think there's any other way to end up with an instructor on base, and people rotate out of here every 3 years (on average), so within 2.5 years of someone coming here to teach, the techs would all have moved on. Whereas, if we could get 2-3 people certified as instructors right away, then over the period of the next 2 years, others can be certified and get the teaching experience necessary.

As for the work culture, it's the US Army. The Germans work much shorter hours. DH works a *minimum* of 60 hours/week.


Logic works for me!

Now you just have to find an instructor who thinks the same way!

I'm still thinking there's got to be some government/military regulation for injury prevention that this would help satisfy. If you could site something specific, some eyes might open. I'll keep on the lookout, too.

So, how is the environment in Germany for carseat safety? Anything like the attention it gets in Sweden, Australia, USA or Canada?


Legally, they're more regulated...

Children in the back (w/ booster I *think*) until age 12! They FF at 9 mo. I see a lot more preschool/younger school aged children in seats than I did in the states. Most of the local misuse I see is by Turkish or Bosnian immigrants (low on the socio-economic totem pole, as a generalization). LOTS of booster use.

On base, I'd say the misuse is higher than any other place I've lived, but it's not usually deliberate misuse (once in MO, I watched a family get into a car with an infant on mother's lap). It's recalled seats and wrong harness slots and straps that are too loose. I've left several notes about harness slots and mentioned it in person to parents when I see them. Everyone has been very receptive. The resources just aren't here!

You're right about finding a military directive to reduce injuries (or whatever) that can be construed as relevant to CPS. That would really help. I'm going to start writing a proposal! Now, I just need to find out where to get local statistics on auto-related injurries in children. I'm sure they keep track of that sort of thing, but whom would I contact to get access to it?

I will make this happen, d@mn!+ !!!


Next week's radio call in is about *safety*!

Every Wednesday, they have an Army talk show with different guests talking about army life (like a representative from the european commissaries to talk about what is available). Aug 1 is about safety! I've *got* to call in! I'm going to talk to some people this afternoon and tomorrow about getting some local crash statistics.

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