Question Will this fit?


New member
For time being we have carseats in 2006 Toyota Camry.
I have DD in a Radian XTSL RFing behind the passenger seat atm, she is 3.5yr old, 30lb, & 38". DS2 is in a Chicco Keyfit 30 - behind the drivers seat. He is 15mo, 19lb, & 29". DS1 uses seat belt in middle back seat. He is 11.5yr old, 80lbs, not 100% certain on height.
I need to make this easier for DS1 - he is so crammed in the middle seat. Will an XTSL and a Britax MA70 fit next to each other so DS1 can sit in an outboard position?
I know two radians would work....I am just not diggin' the harness tightening mechanism or how it feels so hard (like it should have more padding). Would two MA70's fit side by side?
Thanks for your input


Senior Community Member
I'm not sure about the new style Britax, but the old style Britax fit well next to a Radian when both were going in the same direction.

Stefanie, cpst in iowa - mom to 4 great kids


Senior Community Member
Tried to edit but can't. Make sure to use seatbelts, not LATCH. it will give you more room.

Stefanie, cpst in iowa - mom to 4 great kids


Admin - CPST Instructor
Staff member
Does your 11 year old have support to the level of his ears? I can't remember if that car has a headrest in the middle of the back.


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