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I have a 2025 Toyota RAV4, and it is a struggle to buckle in the Graco Turbobooster highback booster seat for my 7-year-old son. But my son's hips are a tight squeeze between the armrests of the Turbobooster seat. I need to find something wider for him to fit, but hopefully with the same or a more narrow footprint than what we have. I reached out to Diono because their dimensions for the Solana and Solana 2 XL differ from their website vs. their Amazon site. It looks like the Diono Solana is wider than the Solana 2 XL, but still not as wide as the Graco Turbobooster. Every article I've found about wider booster seats for bigger kids has links to booster seats that are no longer made, or their dimensions are too small. Anyone have any suggestions? I appreciate your help!