Which seat works with 2-door Mini Cooper?



Hi all, I’m flying soon with my 8-month-old baby to visit my sister who lives across the country. We’ll be getting around in her 2-door Mini Cooper and I’ll bring a car seat for my baby.

I have 3 car seats at home (one infant seat and two convertible ones), and I’m trying to figure out which one(s) will fit in her backseat. We have the Nuna Pipa Lite infant seat from 2020 which requires use of a base, the Graco Extend2Fit, and the Chicco NextFit Sport.

Does anyone know which one(s) would work in her car? I’m 5’9” with long legs so it probably wouldn’t work to have the baby behind my seat — does it work to have a seat behind the driver in a 2-door Mini Cooper?


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
Hi all, I’m flying soon with my 8-month-old baby to visit my sister who lives across the country. We’ll be getting around in her 2-door Mini Cooper and I’ll bring a car seat for my baby.

I have 3 car seats at home (one infant seat and two convertible ones), and I’m trying to figure out which one(s) will fit in her backseat. We have the Nuna Pipa Lite infant seat from 2020 which requires use of a base, the Graco Extend2Fit, and the Chicco NextFit Sport.

Does anyone know which one(s) would work in her car? I’m 5’9” with long legs so it probably wouldn’t work to have the baby behind my seat — does it work to have a seat behind the driver in a 2-door Mini Cooper?
I've had good luck putting seats in 2 door Minis for clients, but if you're tall, you'll likely want as compact as possible. Of the seats you have, I would choose the Extend2Fit. Keep the panel in and put it as upright as she tolerates and it will likely work. You may need to have it quite upright to fit on the plane, as well, though.

Once the seat is in, it's usually easiest to just slide the seat on the side not being used back and load from the front rather than trying to climb in back with the seat folded down while holding baby.

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