Which FF seat to choose?


New member
I would like your opinions on which forward facing seat to get for my DD. I was thinking of the SecureKid but not sure if something else would be better so I thought I'd come to the experts! ;)

We drive a Camry and have two kids: DD is almost 3y5m old, weighs between 41 and 42 lbs on our home scale, and is about 39.5" tall IIRC. DS is 4m old, weighs around 14 lbs or so, and around 24-25" tall. In our car DD is riding RF in a Radian and DS is in a RF Scenera. We also have a couple of grandma/travel seats: a SureRide (FF for DD since she is over the RF limits) and another Scenera.

So it seems like we're getting to the time when DD will need to turn FF in our main car. When should that happen? I'm assuming she will reach the weight limit first, but how close is too close and I should turn her?

Also, as I mentioned I am thinking of a SecureKid for her in our car, I'm just worried about the narrow shoulder straps. Is there another/better seat we should look into? Not as many options in Canada I understand and I want to choose something reasonably narrow as I'm currently sitting in the back with them most of the time and also we're thinking of baby #3 when DD is around 6 and DS is around 3.


New member
She's a tall girl! First, I would try her in the securekid to see if the harness bothers her. If not, it would be a good option. Most combination (FF harness+booster) seats are pretty wide, unfortunately. If width wasn't an issue, the Graco Nautilus or the Britax Pionner and Frontier would be longer lasting seats.



New member
Yup, she's tall - not surprising as mommy is 6'. ;) She's mostly legs though so hopefully that will work to our advantage (I've heard tall torso kiddos can be tough when it comes to carseats).

Hmm, should we go for another SureRide and then to a HBB then? Or would that not really make much difference in which setup lasts longer? Gah, I'm new to the forward facing world, it's confusing!


New member
I think the Sureride has taller top slots (19"??). If both of you like it, then go for it. I also prefer dedicated booster seats and with a younger sibling, a long lasting convertible will come handy!

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