what type of vehicle?



We see and hear the debate over all types of large SUV's and vans...so give us a recommendation...we need a large car-we have 5 children with 1 on the way-that has enough inside stroage space to go to the store and hold the stroller! Our minivan lacks this! We also go on trips to see family several hours away once to twice a month! What do you recommend?


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
What minivan do you have?

The largest current minivans rival all but the biggest SUVs for passenger and cargo space. Extended wheelbase models like the Honda Odyssey, 2004 Toyota Sienna and the Dodge Grand Caravan are quite similar (and perhaps larger) for interior room to something like a Ford Expedition, Dodge Durango or Chevy Trailblazer. If you require much more room, the only real options are a full size van, a Ford Excursion or a Chevrolet Suburban. As truck based vehicles, these do have some safety disadvantages, but they may be your only choice. This is especially true if you will also be towing heavy items.



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