Question What happened to my radian 65??


Well-known member
I was under the impression that Russ is the last person...head of the that wrong? Who else would I contact?

Thanks for all your encouragement! It is nice to know so many strangers support you!

AFAIK, he is a tech in the Boston area who works for them and to whom they refer all their technical questions, not the head of the company. Honestly, I found him a bit patronizing and out of touch with the real world challenges of the product. I also spoke with Kristin who is just a regular rep, but she was nice to me and maybe she could be of some help. I hate conflict and completely understand how you feel. However, I would like to encourage you to report it to NHTSA and consider giving Sk another call. Or if this sort of thing is easier for your partner or a friend who is knowledgeable about the situation, maybe you can ask them to do it on your behalf. Your friend could just say they are your assistant. :p


Senior Community Member
I'm pretty sure that Russ is just a customer service manager. I'm not sure that he's even a tech. Definitely not the head of the company. ;)

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