News What does the max weight limit mean?


My oldest daughter is 32-33 lbs - sneaking up on the 35 lb RFing limit to her Britax Advocate CS. (Unlike the Advocate CS 70, or the G3, which can go to 40 lbs). We are planning to install it RFing in husband's car so he can take her, or one of the infants, if needed, to replace the Evenflo in there now, which is only RFing to 20 lbs, and our youngest son is 19.5 lbs.

Is that just the weight of the child? I can see with winter boots that she might be on the cusp of 35 lbs, especially if she gains a touch more weight. She's 3.5, so FFing isn't a problem, it just means switching the car seat back and forth. Since husband rarely has a baby in the carseat, it's not like we would be switching it on a daily (or even weekly) basis.

Thanks for the advice, and sorry if this is a rookie question. I've learned so much here...


Well-known member
It's the total weight of what is being restrained - so includes the child's clothing and shoes. (I had to turn my DD ffing for the same reason - she was 33 lbs, but the winter clothes and shoes put her over).

Congratulations on rfing her so long - making it to 3.5 is wonderful! :)
First, making it to 3.5 is quite an accomplishment! I would have no problem FF at that age. What is the name (model) of the Evenflo seat that goes to 20 lbs? Just curious about the expiry. I'm thinking you meant 22 lbs?

Have you considered purchasing a FF only combination seat for the 3.5 year old? That way you can leave the Advocate installed and reduce the risk of an improper rushed install. Judging by the child making it that long RF in the Advocate CS I would suggest you look at the Evenflo Maestro, Evenflo Securekid 300/400, Graco Nautilus/Agros and the Britax Frontier. All of the above should last you plenty long enough in harness mode to get to the ideal booster age/maturity (6+ for most neurotypical children). At that time, you can analyze booster fit.

Again, way to go on 3.5 years of rear-facing!! :)

ETA: I would strongly urge you to move the youngest 19.5 pound child out of the Evenflo. It is likely outgrown by weight when he has a diaper/clothes on. Next time you put your youngest in the Evenflo seat, have a look at the top of his head, insure he has at least 1 inch of shell above his head. I would make getting him into a new RF seat a top priority.


That is our plan - get her a ProSport for my car, and put the britax in dad's car for when he has one kid - almost always her. I am waiting to buy a second carseat for dad's car... I'm hoping to talk him into a foonf next month - they just seem so versatile and easy to use. The evenflo - not sure - dad ran to BRU when she was sick in her britax a few years ago, and had to clean upholstery. Regardless, I hate it and want to be rid of it.

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