wet covers and mold harnesses


Well-known member
I've read recently about several harnesses that were ruined because the covers weren't really dry. I know 1 was put on a seat, and mailed. I know another was put on a Radian and folded. So, this makes me nervous and I usually let my covers hang dry for a week before putting them away.

Sofi's TFP cover had to be washed last night. It was really really wet, and I hung it to dry. Tonight, it feels completely dry, but because of the above, I know that can be deceiving. Is that only if the seat is going to be closed up? I packed away all my extra carseat covers (to move). Will it be ok to put the cover on tonight, being as it will be used, and not packed up away from airflow? Or should I dig out my extra cover?


New member
i would think not being put in a plastic bag and a dark box, would help it.... but umm i might let it dry even longer... but then i was the one that shipped the thought it was dry TFp....


Active member
Sometimes I only have a couple hours to let Levi's cover dry (we only have one for his radian), so I have to put it on slightly damp.

Never had an issue with mold... we often drive with the windows down here and its sunny all the time though. But it is humid so things tend to mold.


New member
I'd wait longer for storage, but I always put the cover back on when it feels dry (when the seat would be reinstalled right away).

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