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This forum is for Senior Community Members (1 year registered, 300 posts, 150 reputation points), Technical Professionals and donors to post their "For Sale" and "Wanted" items. This includes child restraints and child passenger safety related items. All other items belong in the Swap-O-Rama sub forum. Please do not post in regard to merchandise beyond the scope of this forum; use ebay or craigslist for general items. Other Registered Members are allowed to read and reply to purchase items, but may not post items for sale/trade or wanted. This contents of this forum are not visible to the general public. All new threads are subject to review by moderators, so they may not appear immediately. Please update the tile of your posts to "Sold!" if the item is no longer for sale or if you found an item you listed in a "wanted" thread. Please read the announcement for access to post on Swap.
Buyers: please use caution before purchasing used child restraints. Please also examine this Used Seat Checklist first and then check to see, "Is Your Child Safety Seat Safe?," with the included recall list. No products posted here are endorsed by Car-Seat.Org, its owners, moderators or administrators; Buyers Beware and purchase at your own risk and only from members you trust! Even though we do not recommend or vouch for any products sold here, you can be sure our technicians and advocates will quickly report any recalled, expired or clearly unsafe car seats that might ever be listed, so it should be a much safer environment to buy a "pre-owned" child restraint than on an auction site or garage sale. If you have any questions, you can and should always ask by replying to the ad!
Sellers of used child restraints: Please address as many points in the Used Seat Checklist as possible. If you are not the original owner or if a seat otherwise fails a point on the checklist, you should make a complete explanation or not list the seat for sale here at all (then destroy it!). It is expected that this forum be an exchange for "Clean" child restraints. Expired, recalled, damaged, prototype and other restraints can also be exchanged for display or evaluation purposes, but these should be clearly identified as not for use with a child and why. Photos of all child restraints are encouraged.
Since there is no degree of buyer or seller protection, Car-Seat.Org assumes no risk or liability for any exchange or transaction made through this forum. We will not generally intervene on behalf of any buyer or seller. If you have any doubts or want some degree of protection, please consider using a private auction at a site like eBay after you agree on a purchase. Other alternatives include using a reputable escrow service for your transaction or purchasing new merchandise instead. Carseat Swap is intended only as a convenient resource for our members, many of whom happen to be child passenger safety technicians and advocates. It is not promoted as a place where there is any guarantee of safety in regard to buyers, sellers or products listed. We do hope that with the expertise available at Swap, it may be a better place to buy an item than some auction sites where unsafe products are routinely sold.
Otherwise, we expect our members to be honest in their dealings with each other. Repeated complaints will likely result in loss of access. In extreme cases, accounts may be revoked and banned. Please also see before you buy or sell items at Car-Seat.Org Swap. While we hope to provide a safer environment to exchange used carseats in safe condition, there is no way we can vouch for any sellers or items. Even the iTrader feedback system cannot guarantee a reliable transaction and it is for reference only.
Any "For Sale", "Wanted" or similar listings in other forums may be deleted without warning.
Thank you!
Buyers: please use caution before purchasing used child restraints. Please also examine this Used Seat Checklist first and then check to see, "Is Your Child Safety Seat Safe?," with the included recall list. No products posted here are endorsed by Car-Seat.Org, its owners, moderators or administrators; Buyers Beware and purchase at your own risk and only from members you trust! Even though we do not recommend or vouch for any products sold here, you can be sure our technicians and advocates will quickly report any recalled, expired or clearly unsafe car seats that might ever be listed, so it should be a much safer environment to buy a "pre-owned" child restraint than on an auction site or garage sale. If you have any questions, you can and should always ask by replying to the ad!
Sellers of used child restraints: Please address as many points in the Used Seat Checklist as possible. If you are not the original owner or if a seat otherwise fails a point on the checklist, you should make a complete explanation or not list the seat for sale here at all (then destroy it!). It is expected that this forum be an exchange for "Clean" child restraints. Expired, recalled, damaged, prototype and other restraints can also be exchanged for display or evaluation purposes, but these should be clearly identified as not for use with a child and why. Photos of all child restraints are encouraged.
Since there is no degree of buyer or seller protection, Car-Seat.Org assumes no risk or liability for any exchange or transaction made through this forum. We will not generally intervene on behalf of any buyer or seller. If you have any doubts or want some degree of protection, please consider using a private auction at a site like eBay after you agree on a purchase. Other alternatives include using a reputable escrow service for your transaction or purchasing new merchandise instead. Carseat Swap is intended only as a convenient resource for our members, many of whom happen to be child passenger safety technicians and advocates. It is not promoted as a place where there is any guarantee of safety in regard to buyers, sellers or products listed. We do hope that with the expertise available at Swap, it may be a better place to buy an item than some auction sites where unsafe products are routinely sold.
Otherwise, we expect our members to be honest in their dealings with each other. Repeated complaints will likely result in loss of access. In extreme cases, accounts may be revoked and banned. Please also see before you buy or sell items at Car-Seat.Org Swap. While we hope to provide a safer environment to exchange used carseats in safe condition, there is no way we can vouch for any sellers or items. Even the iTrader feedback system cannot guarantee a reliable transaction and it is for reference only.
Any "For Sale", "Wanted" or similar listings in other forums may be deleted without warning.
Thank you!