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Nedra Ambassador
I'm not sure if this is the proper place for this, but I haven't been able to access the blog for awhile. At first I thought it was just my internet connection, but I've been able to go to other sites without issue, while whether on my phone or on my computer, I can't access I can't access it directly (by typing it into the navigation bar), through the links (when clicking on an "Update from Our Blog") or even by doing a google search for the blog and then clicking on the entry in the search results. Each time, it either says "connecting" and nothing happens, or it says that it cannot access the server. Any idea what is going on?


Admin - Webmaster
I assume you can access the forum from the same computer that will not load CarseatBlog? Is it the same computer you used for this post? If so I can check your IP address to see if it was blocked for some reason, for example, if you tried to login to the blog and mis-typed your password a few times.


Admin - Webmaster
I think I found it, looks like you were blocked a couple weeks ago for login attempts. Let me know if it is working now, please. Feel free to message me if you forgot the login procedure, it's sort of complicated but we get so many hack attempts it became necessary.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
I'm getting a "do you want to leave this site" message when I try to post today.

Eta: but not here. Weird.

It posts fine btw. I just have to click "leave." Android, chrome.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
I'm getting a "do you want to leave this site" message when I try to post today.

Eta: but not here. Weird.

It posts fine btw. I just have to click "leave." Android, chrome.

No changes made recently, it could be a rogue ad or something, if you see anything unusual see if you can get a screenshot of as much as possible including ads please

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