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New member
Not a bug, but can you enable the "today's posts" feature, if it's available? New posts only show threads with no new replies, where today's posts shows all threads. Thank you for all the hard work you put into maintaining the forums for us


Admin - Webmaster


Admin - Webmaster
With the upgrade, the search engine was rebuilt and is much more comprehensive. The downside of this is that the database for the forum is 50% bigger than it was before. This means that when backups are run, it will take nearly 50% more time. These are the pauses where the forum doesn't respond for a few minutes, at roughly noon and 6pm eastern time every day, plus a couple overnight.

So, I am removing the noon backup altogether. We haven't had a serious forum crash in many years, but should one happen mid-afternoon, we would possibly lose all posts since 6am that day. A few years ago, that could have been a few hundred posts, but now it would be lucky to be a few dozen, so I deem the reward greater than the risk:) Please enjoy the pause-free experience in your late morning forum browsing!
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Admin - Webmaster
The sidebar ads are proving troublesome as nothing seems to allow me to restrict from usergroups. In addition to moving them lower, they also only appear on the home page and not on threads or thread listings, so I don't think they should be too obtrusive if I can't figure out how to do it. And of course you can collapse the sidebar.

Ketchupqueen, I may have found a workaround for the sidebar. Can you please tell me if you can see it now?


New member
Hi! Not really a bug per say, but I can't find where to delete my account. My little guy just grew out of his booster and I wasn't able to have any more kids. I get my yearly birthday email and realized it's time to close the account.


Admin - Webmaster
Hi! Not really a bug per say, but I can't find where to delete my account. My little guy just grew out of his booster and I wasn't able to have any more kids. I get my yearly birthday email and realized it's time to close the account.

It was never possible to delete an account, as this causes any posts and content to be attributed by "Guest" and can no longer be edited or deleted.

I can make your account inactive with no notifications, in case you ever might want to return to send a message or ask a question or have an existing post edited. I can also remove the account entirely if you understand the issue with losing the ability to have any of your posts edited or removed at a later date, and this complete removal is not reversible.

Please send me a private message if you wish to proceed with either option. Sorry to see you go, but like my kids, they do grow up fast!


Admin - Webmaster
Hey, I can't find user blogs (particularly, mine.) Any info on where that link went?

Best I can tell, the version of the new software does not have the member blogs feature, so I do not think there is any way to access it if it is still even there. I vaguely recall looking at the blogs prior to preparing for the update and I don't think there had been a new one in a years. So, to avoid any complications, I disabled most plugins including blogs before proceeding with the upgrade.

There's a small possibility that the member blog information is still in the database, since the upgraded version of the forum software has blogs and a other non-forum related features. If that is the case, then I could possibly find specific information by searching the database if you have something important there.

Apologies if any important information was lost.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
There's a post that gets regularly shared by friends I posted there. A friend wanted to share it and reported the link doesn't work to me.


Admin - Webmaster
Do you have the direct link? I can see if I can at least recover the text if you would like to try to re-post it on the main forum.

I could also possibly setup a redirect.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
If you can't do anything with it, I did find snapshots with the Wayback Machine. So I can transcribe it if I have to (would love to make it a thread I could link rather than posting on my personal blog.)


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Sending you a PM with what I found. If you repost it in a normal post, let me know the link, and I can setup a redirect from the old URL.

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