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CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
The main forum upgrade is now completed.

You should be able to post and message as usual.

For the next few days, the look and feel will change to reflect the previous version, but there will still be many differences. Fortunately, this update is similar to the old software so it will have a familiar feel.

Some forum features are still disabled, such as iTrader and "Thanks". Others are working, such as Tapatalk and the original Car-Seat.Org App (for now).

Please use this thread to report any errors, bugs or other problems.

Please do not report issues with the look and feel of the forum at this time, as it is currently in the default state. Once I have done some basic style setup, I may be able to accommodate suggestions if they are within my technical expertise.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
Any idea how to view rep in the new system? I found how to give it but I'm lost trying to find how to view mine lol.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
I believe I found the setting, it was in a new location. Please check your User CP. Also, I have enabled post "Thanks". Feel free to test that as well:)


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
iTrader should now be working as well, if someone would let me know if feedback still appears that would be great!


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
That would be the problem- I can't find my user cp. I've checked all available links up top I think; something I'm missing? (I found where to edit my settings and display but not the type of ucp I had before...)

Also should large banner ads be showing for Benefactors? I seem to remember they should not.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
No, they shouldn't, but they changed all the usergroup variables on me. I just implemented something that might work around it. Can you see them now?


Admin - CPS Technician
The app doesn't work. Not that I was expecting it to, but you said it was so I thought I'd mention. I can read threads but can't reply, which is what happened after ios10. (So maybe you meant "working" in the sense that it exists, but doesn't necessarily WORK)


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Top ones gone. Side still there.

The right side ads don't have an easy fix yet, I will have to look into it once I have other stuff working. I did move them down a bit and also you can close the sidebar altogether by clicking the arrows at the top. Theoretically it is supposed to remember, at least for your current session.

The app doesn't work. Not that I was expecting it to, but you said it was so I thought I'd mention. I can read threads but can't reply, which is what happened after ios10. (So maybe you meant "working" in the sense that it exists, but doesn't necessarily WORK)

Lol sorry about that- I meant to say that the app is enabled. It likely is no different than before, as I don't think they have updated either the forum software or the actual app in years, even for the new version. Tapatalk has been updated to the latest version, however.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
For those viewing on a tablet, also try using the full desktop site instead of the mobile site or tapatalk. The new desktop site is responsive so it looks pretty good on larger devices.

The full desktop site can be accessed by the selector at the bottom of the page, or clicking "Full Site" or this link:


Admin - CPST Instructor
Staff member
That would be the problem- I can't find my user cp. I've checked all available links up top I think; something I'm missing? (I found where to edit my settings and display but not the type of ucp I had before...)

Also should large banner ads be showing for Benefactors? I seem to remember they should not.

Settings is what replaced the UserCP. It's in the upper right corner next to Log Out.


New member
So far so good!

Would you please check the mobile style and see if any ads appear for you?

Also, if anyone would like to try the facebook connect feature to either connect your fb account to the forum account, or register a new fake account using facebook connect as a test, I would appreciate it!


Admin - Webmaster
Top ones gone. Side still there.

The sidebar ads are proving troublesome as nothing seems to allow me to restrict from usergroups. In addition to moving them lower, they also only appear on the home page and not on threads or thread listings, so I don't think they should be too obtrusive if I can't figure out how to do it. And of course you can collapse the sidebar.

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