The main forum upgrade is now completed.
You should be able to post and message as usual.
For the next few days, the look and feel will change to reflect the previous version, but there will still be many differences. Fortunately, this update is similar to the old software so it will have a familiar feel.
Some forum features are still disabled, such as iTrader and "Thanks". Others are working, such as Tapatalk and the original Car-Seat.Org App (for now).
Please use this thread to report any errors, bugs or other problems.
Please do not report issues with the look and feel of the forum at this time, as it is currently in the default state. Once I have done some basic style setup, I may be able to accommodate suggestions if they are within my technical expertise.
You should be able to post and message as usual.
For the next few days, the look and feel will change to reflect the previous version, but there will still be many differences. Fortunately, this update is similar to the old software so it will have a familiar feel.
Some forum features are still disabled, such as iTrader and "Thanks". Others are working, such as Tapatalk and the original Car-Seat.Org App (for now).
Please use this thread to report any errors, bugs or other problems.
Please do not report issues with the look and feel of the forum at this time, as it is currently in the default state. Once I have done some basic style setup, I may be able to accommodate suggestions if they are within my technical expertise.