Volvo seat dimensions, anyone?


New member
We're going to be buying another car in the near future, and I'm pretty sure I want a Volvo sedan. After riding in a friend's Volvo wagon, I was very impressed with the amount of room in the backseat. I was able to install DD's RF Marathon without even moving the front passenger seat. She also had her DD FF in a AO, and there was plenty of room in the middle for a third seat.

Does anyone know how the backseat of a standard-sized sedan (not quite sure of the model numbers, they confuse the heck out of me) compares with the wagons? We're looking at late-90's models. TIA!


Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
Staff member
You can research various Volvo models at You can click on the Research tab, then select the individual model year, manufacturer, and model name, then select specs/features to load a detailed page that will probably include info. about rear seat hip room (width across the back seat). That could give you some idea about how much seating room you'll have to work with, although it won't take into account whether or not the rear seat is contoured or flat, etc.

Happy car shopping.

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