Volkswagen Tiguan 2 row



Hi!! Trying to figure out if it’s possible to fit three seats in the second row of my Tiguan. The ages are 6, 3 and newborn in March. The six year old is in a high back booster.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Hi!! Trying to figure out if it’s possible to fit three seats in the second row of my Tiguan. The ages are 6, 3 and newborn in March. The six year old is in a high back booster.

I have not personally done a 3-across in a Tiguan, but all compact SUVs of this class are difficult for three carseats, especially if one of them is an infant carrier/base model. You will probably need at least one very narrow model for the center seat, such as a Graco SlimFit3 LX or True3Fit (not the original SlimFit model) for your 3-year old. One of the outboard seats is usually a little more spacious than the other, once you have a carseat installed in the center. This is probably the one where you will need to put the infant's seat. Your highback booster may or may not fit well in the remaining seat or give enough room for the 6-year old to buckle easily, but trial and error may be the only way to know for sure. So, if you buy a new seat, just be sure to get a free returns policy, just in case it doesn't work.


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