umbrella strollers


We currently (most -often) use a double stroller, but I am looking for a small umbrella stroller to throw in the back of the van for occasional use.
Would it be better to get a cheapo Wal-mart $15 stroller, or one of the more expensive ones?
What exactly are the differences? Is a Maclaren REALLY worth it, and if so , why?


Senior Community Member
If your budget can handle it, yes it is worth it. I was skeptical too, but some friends (you know who you are ;) ) talked me into buying a used Techno and there really IS a difference. A very big difference. They really are much nicer than the WM cheapies. They ride smoother. They fold up easier. They're taller so you aren't constantly kicking it. They push LOTS easier. (I can push my ~45lb 5yo one handed. Try doing that with a Kolkraft cheap-o!) They don't fall apart after 4 months. It will last through several kids and still have good resale value.

I'm sure others will be able to tell you where the best deals are right now. Get one if you can swing it. You won't be sorry.


Well-known member
Hi, We have a Peg Perego Pliko P3 and a Peg Perego Culla. The Culla is a huge tank and is great for walking around our neighborhood but not practical in the car. So, I purchased the Pliko P3. Although it folded down it still wasn't small enough. We have a Suzuki XL 7 with the third seat so our cargo area behind the third seat is very tiny. I just last week purchased a Inglesina Trip. It folds like an umbrella stroller, has four recline positions, the leg rest folds up so that she can lay down almost flat in the stroller, it has a 5 point harness and folds very tiny. It does have a basket but not much of one. The suspension is not as great as the Perego strollers and the seat is not cushy padded like our Perego's. It works great for trips around town so I don't have to carry her all the time. Our daughter is 11 months so she still naps and this was great. I debated on whether to purchase a Maclaren but checked reviews on almost every site and it didn't rate as high as I thought it would. I heard of wheels falling off and the stroller tipping over when used in the recline position (with no bags hanging on the handles). I just couldn't justify spending $300 on a stroller for quick trips and then it it breaks. I paid $179 for the Inglesina, which was still more than I wanted to spend, but I think it was worth it. Those umbrella strollers at Walmart don't recline or have the leg rest which for a 11 month old baby is a must. Hope this helps.


Stay at home mom to
Josh age 14
Mitchell age 12
Lyndsey age 7 1/2 in a Britax Bodyguard
Karley age 11 months in a Britax Marathon


New member
I was looking for a lightweight stroller to keep in the cargo area of my Xterra and I comtemplated buying a cheapo stroller, but I ultimately decided to get the Britax Preview after looking at the Preview, Graco Mosaic, and Mac Quest Sport. I absolutely LOVE it! At 13 lbs, the Preview is very lightweight, comparable to the Maclaren. It opens and folds up like a dream, and folds up very compactly so it doesn't take up much room in that back of my vehicle. The Preview has 4 recline positions, and can recline completely flat for sleeping. I personally thought that the Preview's handle are MUCH more comfortable than the Maclaren and Graco handles. I am very impressed with the Preview. Britax made a stroller to match the quality and convenience that you've come to expect from their carseats!



Thanks for the replies and advice. Now all I have to do is convince DH :rolleyes:
I guess I'll have to swing on over to our local baby boutique to check out the higher end versions, as our local TRU doesn't carry much besides Graco, Kolcraft and Cosco.


Moderator - CPST Instructor
One thing about the Preview--if you have a long stride or you're tall, it's on the "kick it" list...


New member
QuassEE said:
One thing about the Preview--if you have a long stride or you're tall, it's on the "kick it" list...

Yes, you're right...DH tends to kick it as he is 6'2". However, I am 5'7" and I think I have a pretty long stride and have had no problems with it. But it is something you should try out in the store if you can, because you'll know right away if its going to be a problem or not. Too bad they don't make adjustable handle heights because I really do love the design on the Preview's handles. :)



I really like the looks of the Volo and the Quest, or maybe the Inglenesia Swift.
I need something SMALL because our double stroller takes up almost the entire cargo area of our van.
This needs to fit alongside, or even on top, of the double!


Senior Community Member
I have a Chicco Tuscany (I think that's the model). It's an umbrella type, recline seat (5 positions I think), 5pt harness, a small leg rest, folds nice & small (IMO) and can easily fit on top of a double. I got it for $70 or $80 at Babies R Us last year. I think they've made some changes for this year, and possibly even the name. But it's a good quality stroller at a decent price.


Well-known member
I also have the Tuscany and love it. However, it is only rated to 37 pounds. My DS is 3 and about 33 pounds, so we won't have the problem of him getting too big, too fast. He already doesn't like being in a stroller. I think the Tuscany was a redesigned London which is now the Chicco C5. The C5 goes for about $90 at BRU and might have a higher weight limit than the previous Tuscany. Another cheaper alternative is the Chicco caddy. No recline and such, but seems like a great stroller for $40-50. I see them all over the place!

mom of big kid

New member
have to quickly chime in. Been using a maclaren triumph for about 1 1/2 years now and I am so glad I bought it. It is tough, lightweight, crazy easy to close and open one handed, has a carrying handle, machine washable seat cover, excellent resale value, I could go on and on. The few times I have used someone's cheapie umbrella stroller it makes me CRAZY. Too short handles, can't handle a tiny bump and I know from my friends how easily and quickly they get trashed. I am 5'8" and husband is 6' and we have no problems with the height. i think if you are looking for a stroller for frequent use, those cheapie strollers are just a waste of money.

babychild taxi

New member
Another Great Stroller


I have a great umbrella stroller I use for the family from my church that I help out and others when needed. It's an Avalon deluxe fold up stroller and cost me $30 at Zellers here in Canada. It has multiple recline positions, a canopy, good strong tires and handles and very easy to push/smooth ride. It folds up well and I keep it in the trunk of my Echo. The youngest child is a 4 month old and I bought shortly after she was born (as I wanted a compact stroller that reclines for her). I've also used it for the almost 2 yr. old as well with no problems.

With all the extra choices in baby gear in the US, I'm sure you can find a similar stroller.



New member
For what it's worth, I've had the same cheap-o umbrella stroller from Sears for six years. The only thing that has fallen apart on it was this bag thing that snapped to the back.


Moderator - CPST Instructor
There's nothing wrong with the cheapie umbrella strollers if you're under 5'4" and your child doesn't plan on topping 30lbs until about age 4 or 5. I'm 5'9" and kick almost everything (except Maclaren and Inglesina)...and my 3 year old is well over the 30lb weight limit on most of the cheapie umbrellas...Heck, my 1.5 year old is only 8lbs shy of 30!

Avalon must've studied Maclaren, because they do make one or two really good umbrella strollers (available at Zellers)...but, still, I think the nicer one was $70-$90....for that price, I'd rather buy a Triumph and be able to re-sell it later. But if you're on a tight budget, they're definitely a good option.

The fact is--you don't know how wonderful it is to push a nice stroller until you actually have one. If you're happy with a cheapie umbrella and don't know any different, that's great. For me, once I tried out my first Maclaren there was no way I could go back. NOTHING pushes like my Bugaboo and my Mountain Buggy--absolutely nothing. Being a mom is hard enough without having to fight with a stroller.


babychild taxi

New member
to QuassEE


You are from Vancouver, so am I! Nice to connect with a Canadian Tech. The Avalon stroller I have is used once or twice a week when I'm with the family I help out. If I had a child, I'd likely buy a more expensive stroller, but this one definitely works well for what I need, and likely would as a back up/travel stroller for others. It gives a smooth ride and I like the multiple positions available.

FYI: ICBC told me I wouldn't able to fit 2 carseats and a booster across the back of my Echo. I called them yesterday to tell them I could-2 regal rides and a Parkway booster in the middle-yeah! I used seatbelts, not LATCH and all the seats are in snug. Now I can take the 3 little girls and their mom out, not just 2 kids. So this is a good thing! Thanks to all who gave advice.


New member
I'm not sure if a maclaren is really worth it, but I wouldn't get one of those super cheapies either!

I have a triumph and I do like it. Some problems I have: He looks like he's slouching in it badly in the recline position. The carry strap is in the way for the basket, and sometimes it twists and I can't unfold the stroller properly. I'm just going to take it right off.
It steers like a dream though. I can use just a few fingers and spin the thing on a dime like an office chair on wheels. And my 6 foot tall hubby doesn't slouch when pushing it.

The really cheap strollers don't usually have a basket on them, and it's nice to have. It wasn't available here at the time, but if I could do it over again I'd save the extra $100 that the mac cost me and buy the chicco C5 instead. It's cuter, nicer fabrics, has the extendable legrest and reclines just like the triumph. It may not steer quite as nice, but not a big deal.


New member
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Maclaren Triumph! I've never for a second regretted buying it even though at the time I thought it was a crazy amount of money for a stroller. It is the easiest to fold, easiest to carry, easiest to steer umbrella stroller I've even used. Well worth the money, IMO! I've recommended it to all my friends.


Moderator - CPST Instructor
I'm just outside of Vancouver--in the suburbs (Sunshine Hills area of Delta).. I do private checks as a tech but admittedly they're limited to Britax in $40,000+ SUVs and minivans so I might be a little out of practice. That's Vancouver for you :)

Three across in an Echo is no problem, actually. The backseat is larger than the Corolla (which I had, an it's 46" across, I think the Echo is around 50", which you can verify with You can never use LATCH in three across because the anchors are more central, and the seatbelt gives you the ability to attach loosely and then push the seats along the beltpath as needed to make more space (then tighten.) You can get larger seats than RRs back there (the Parkway is pretty wide for a booster..) as I've had a Medallion, Marathon, and a Cosco BPB three across in my old Corolla back in 2002 when I bought it (it was a 2003, so the newer smaller backseat.) I had a Britax Super Elite (Husky/Regent), SnugRide, and Marathon three across in a 51" backseat in my old 2000 Pathfinder, too. Unfortunately, the Britax StarRiser/Comfy isn't available in Canada since it's one of the best for three across--it's what my boys use. I doubt ICBC did their homework on backseat widths and probably the tech didn't have any practical experience with the Echo (which I have done installs in.) Oh, I did break down and get a minivan so I don't have to destroy my knuckles anymore.

And THAT was stroller related.


babychild taxi said:

You are from Vancouver, so am I! Nice to connect with a Canadian Tech. The Avalon stroller I have is used once or twice a week when I'm with the family I help out. If I had a child, I'd likely buy a more expensive stroller, but this one definitely works well for what I need, and likely would as a back up/travel stroller for others. It gives a smooth ride and I like the multiple positions available.

FYI: ICBC told me I wouldn't able to fit 2 carseats and a booster across the back of my Echo. I called them yesterday to tell them I could-2 regal rides and a Parkway booster in the middle-yeah! I used seatbelts, not LATCH and all the seats are in snug. Now I can take the 3 little girls and their mom out, not just 2 kids. So this is a good thing! Thanks to all who gave advice.

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