Ugh, what is up with Wayfair's Clearance prices?


New member
I just got off the phone with them after about 30 minutes. I took a screen shot of the thumbnails and they honored the prices! The rep I spoke to said it was a price glitch and she was very nice about it. I've been looking for a lightweight stroller and got the Maclaren Triumph for $90! I also picked up a City Elite for $150. :love:


New member
zactayaus said:
Ok, who snagged my Cardinal FR85SICT!!!

Um, yes, I do.:p

Everytime I see my red fr85. I think. Zactayaus..

If only I could find cowmooflage I'd sell it.

auto correct hates me


Well-known member
no, not like Onyx either. Onyx is stiff and smooth. Cardinal and Portabello are different. They're soft, but not plush. Almost like jersey, but more substantial.

Hmm, I just played with a seat with a Cardinal cover last week and we used to own a Cardinal Parkway SGL and their covers were both nylon type material. Not really soft, but smooth and more of a duffle bag feel. They are definitely not a jersey material at all. They are extremely similar to Diono covers like Shadow, Daytona, and Colbalt.

Tessa Partridge

Brutal!! this bait and switch is still going on in 2020!!!! boooo thumbs down Big time!!!


Hi there! We are so sorry for this inconvenience! We were having some problems with Clearance as some items with multiple parts were being listed as the lowest price of one part, and not as a complete and whole product. We have been working to make this a clearer shopping experience!
Clearly this was not fixed in the years since this reply as I’m experiencing the same issue today in 2020.

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