Ugh, what is up with Wayfair's Clearance prices?



New member
Are you kidding! They won't sell me the fr85 sict for the 141 it's listed at nor will they refund the $50 difference on the canyon. I'm pissed now.


Senior Community Member
I just called and they honored the price of the Monterey for me... I don't know if it'll work for DD but I really wanted matchy-match red seats in my van (I'm turning into one of you crazies!).

I had to do a screen-shot and email him, but he honored it!

If it doesn't I guess I'll sell the monterey to fund a red/black vivo cover...


Well-known member
Are you kidding! They won't sell me the fr85 sict for the 141 it's listed at nor will they refund the $50 difference on the canyon. I'm pissed now.

Well I ended up getting it in my cart, called customer service while it was still in my cart, got them to honor the price, and then they said there was only one discounted FR85SICT and that it had already been sold. Yet there it was still in my cart!:mad: The lady I spoke with was super nice but grr! I'll be releasing it in a minute so maybe someone will have better luck than me and if you do would you please consider trading covers with me.:eek:


CPST Instructor
Well, he wouldn't refund me the difference on the canyon I ordered earlier either. I'd call back and try to get a different rep. Ask to talk to a supervisor.


New member
I was talking to a supervisor. The moron I got when I first called just kept making random guesses about why the prices were different. I waited 30 min to speak to the supervisor but she still wouldn't do it, merely promised she'd have IT fix it as soon as possible.

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