turning circles, rearvw camera/sensors, and SUVs/miniwagons



Any information about how important these two parameters are when comparing new vehicles?

-- turning circles - 37 ft vs. 40 ft?
is this significant for safety/parking?

-- are rearview sensors/cameras really advantageous,
or will a quick walkaround before getting into a vehicle
be enough?
if recommended, are rearview cameras vastly
superior to sensors?

Thank you!


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Just an opinion-

A difference of a few feet may reduce some parking difficulty in a few situations. It's probably worth trying on a test drive. I don't think I would let a 3-foot larger turning radius turn me off of a vehicle that I like a lot more otherwise.

Rear view cameras and sensors are handy if you are buying a high riding vehicle with a tall blind spot behind the rear hatch. If you are willing to do a careful walkaround, then you certainly don't need these features. They are more of a time saver for people who would just pull off without checking for a small child. The preference for sensors or cameras is mostly personal, there are probably pros and cons to each one.

Good luck!

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