Travel car seat



I have a soon to be 4 year old and soon to be 3 year old. We have always used the Cosco Scenera for travel which I love due to it's light weight. Both of my kids are very close to maxing out the harness in height and so I need to purchase two more travel seats. The seats will also be used in their grandfather's truck (Ford F250) for very occasional use. I have looked at the Evenflo Sureride, Evenflo Maestro, and Harmony defender. I need the seats to be FAA approved and light weight as well as harness my kids for another 2-3 years. Kids are right at 40" tall (height in the torso) and weight 34 and 31 lbs. Please help me decide which seat will keep them harnessed the longest and would be a best bet for travel. Thanks.


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Hi there! I don't have any experience with the Defender, but know it requires some assembly. The SureRide will last a very long time--even longer than the Maestro harnessed--because it has 19" top harness slots. It's also pretty lightweight, which makes it excellent for travel. The Maestro is also very lightweight and is versatile because it converts to a booster, but I found with the Maestro that when my dd was in a seat with slots that high, she was too tall to use the Maestro as a booster.

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