Toyota Corolla 1995 tether anchor question



My sis-in-law owns a 1995 Toyota Corolla.
She will be driving us around this summer.
We own a Britax Advocate 65-G3. It will be used forward facing. We need to tether it.
Does the 1995 Corolla have a tether anchor. If not, can we install them. We live in Canada. Is there a fee to get this done?


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A 1995 Corolla predates having factory equipped top tether anchors. The LATCH manual states it can be retrofitted with top tether anchors using Toyota's top tether anchor retrofit part number 73709-20010 called "Bracket Sub-Assembly, Tether Anchor" and this part number is the same in the U.S. and Canada. Instructions for installing the retrofit top tether anchors are included in the Toyota vehicle's owner's manual. You would need to check with a Toyota dealership for the cost in Canada. If you were in the U.S., the cost would be a $5 voluntary donation per anchor through SafetbyBeltSafeUSA's Toyota/Lexus tether anchor retrofit voucher program (details at SafetyBeltSafeUSA's site at ) but my understanding is this program is available only for continental U.S. owners of pre-2001 retofittable Toyota/Lexus vehicles and not applicable in Canada.
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