Toddler moving and unbuckling chest clip


New member
My DD just found out how to move her chest clip and unbuckle it. I have her straps tight and she is ERF. We were stopped and she stuck her hands in ther air and was like look mommy. I freaked out, I was wondering if I could take a Evenflo checst clip and swap out my Britax MA clip.. Is that a big no no? I told her she could really get hurt and mommy would get into trouble if she isnt buckled right. What else can I do or say to make her leave it alone. Thanks


Well-known member
Get a little piece of velcro and stick it on the chest clip. That is whats usually recommended for toddlers like yours :). They HATE the feeling of it and it usually keeps their little fingers off.


New member
here's what I do.

I take a button or zipper up shirt (whichever you think she'll have a harder time taking off). I buckle in the kid with the shirt unzipped, and then zip it over the harness. Out of sight, out of mind :)

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