toddler car seats: why no 5point and no latch use?



I have a question. my son is 2 1/2 and 40 lbs. now out of convertable seat and into booster. booster states that you do not use lower anchor or tether. also states use of shoulder seat belt from car and removal of 5-point harness for children over 20 lbs. this scares me. a loose seat in my car w/my child in it. and he slips his hand out of the shoulder seat belt easily. i checked car seats and this was was highly rated from consumer reports. it just seems that having a little 40 lb. 2yr. old in a loose seat not attched w/grown up seat belt is a little unsafe. why can't i anchor it and use 5-point now that he is over 40 lbs. can't find any answers. please help!


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member

This is a problem, especially for big kids under 4 years old who are already 40 pounds.

2 and 3 year olds (heck even some adults!) may not be mature enough to sit properly in a lap and shoulder belt.

There are a few options for you-

The Britax Marathon/Wizard go to 65 pounds front facing with a 5-point harness.

The Britax Husky goes to 80 pounds with a 5-point harness (tether required above 50 pounds).

The Car Seat Specialty Airway has a harness up to 50 pounds then converts to a booster.

The Fisher Price Future is discontinued and hard to find, but goes to 60 pounds in a 5-point harness or overhead shield.

EZ-on makes special vests for kids in this situation also.

Most other models simply are not tested in the USA to certify that the harness can safely restrain a child above 40 pounds.

Most auto companies have not tested their lower anchors above 48 pounds, so even with seats like the Husky or Marathon you would need to use the seatbelt to install it above that weight.

Any of those might work for you, please let us know if you have more questions!

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