Target toy clearance July 2014!


New member
The toy clearance is coming up! Some things are 30% and some at 50% already. There are a few things I want so far.
We'll be in San Diego the day they hit 70% off. Anyone near there know if they have the same 70% off day? It's usually the last Thursday in July.


New member
I don't "know" this but it seems like things are being marked down earlier this year. We had clearance stickers show up late June..... so my guess would be that the 70% off will be earlier.... but then again i could be dead wrong ;)

Patriot201 Ambassador
Yeah, my local Targets have been clearing toys out for the last two or three weeks. We already had some toys hit 50% or 70% off. Unfortunately, none of them have been toys I can use as gifts.


New member
That would ve great if it's early, then I can go before my trip. I'll go at opening this Thursday and next just in case.


New member
I went at opening at one of the local stores today just to check but I was thinking it would be next week.
To my surprise, they were 70% off today! We got there about 3 minutes after the store opened and there were like 6 ladies with about 4 FULL carts of stuff but I still got most of what I wanted.
Uno moo, Little tikes chatter phone board game, Leapfrog scribble n write, a Leap frog mr pencil Ipad game, and a "What would you do for a Klondike bar" game.

I went to the other local store right after and they were still at 30% and 50%.
Glad I went to the one that I did first, otherwise I would have missed it.


New member
Did anyone else shop the toy clearance?

I got DD a couple Melissa and Doug things for her birthday. I got the wood pizza set for $7.50 (reg $15) and the wood birthday cake set for $4.50 (reg $15). Other than that, I didn't really see anything good. We love M&D though so I was happy I got those 2 things.


Active member
We got some play dough sets, a v-tech video game, some bath princess things, a dragon, Legos, and some fake Lego things that ds1 collects. The play dough I didn't need but may come in handy for a rain day, the rest is Christmas presents.

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