Tallest harness height seat (or one coming soon)?


Hi all, well my preemie 3lb-er is finally a big boy and I need some help. He's 5 yrs old, 48 lbs an 46" tall, and growing insanely fast. He is FF in an evenflo sureride and is moving to the highest harness slot today. Which will likely do him about a year-ish, give or take (he's gone from size 5 to size 7 clothes in the past year). His early birth and hypoxia has led him to have some significant issues and this is not a kid who will be even close to boostering next year; he still forgets and runs out into the road frequently, so he'll not sit safely. I'm starting to look at any seats that might give us a couple more years of harness after he outgrows this one. I know I have about a year before I have to buy it, but starting to look (at the end of this school year, we will be moving, driving 10 days across country, highway speeds, long car days, so I'm trying to work on ducks in a row now). We used to have our kids in Britax Frontiers but given our kids were at the higher end of the weight scale for those seats, harnessed, and the consumer reports testing, we moved them to surerides and have been happy with them. So I'm reluctant to go back to Frontiers unless they've significantly addressed the higher harnessed weight/breaking through issue. Any new seats coming down the pipe that might work for this guy? Any currently (I haven't seriously seat shopped in a while) out there that have exceptionally high harness slots? We're in a 2017 Odyssey, he's middle seat, 2nd row now (so no impulsive messing with windows, window shade, door handle, locks, etc); I'd prefer to keep him there and away from doors if possible but I may have to give on that. Thanks for any suggestions!


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
The MyFit is about half an inch taller than the SureRide.

The Frontier is discontinued and replaced with the Grow With You, which is an inch and a half higher than the SureRide and redesigned.


The MyFit is about half an inch taller than the SureRide.

The Frontier is discontinued and replaced with the Grow With You, which is an inch and a half higher than the SureRide and redesigned.
Thank you! The harness heights go an inch and a half higher than the sureride?! That would definitely buy me a year or two-ish more. Redesigned after the consumer reports debacle? Are manufacturers attempting to replicate that testing to ensure they don't face that scenario again? Thanks again, I'm going to have a look at them.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Thank you! The harness heights go an inch and a half higher than the sureride?! That would definitely buy me a year or two-ish more. Redesigned after the consumer reports debacle? Are manufacturers attempting to replicate that testing to ensure they don't face that scenario again? Thanks again, I'm going to have a look at them.

We sure hope so!

Sadly, part of this is that manufacturers are no longer making seats that go beyond 65 pounds. It is very difficult to pass supplemental crash testing at higher weights and harness heights with the 10-year old dummy.


Hi, thanks for those replies. I think we're going to go ahead with the MyFit (he's tall and while torso is longish, legs are very long, so I think MyFit will harness him longer than Grow With Me - 54" vs 49" standing height). I've scoured this site and the internet in general and can't find any anecdotes or photos of the MyFit in the center (middle seat, 2nd row) of an Odyssey (ours is 2017). Does anyone have experience with installing the MyFit in that position? Thanks so much!


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
It's not an easy install but I believe it's compatible.

The MyFit is only about half an inch taller than the SureRide.

Standing height limits are based on a variety of factors but basically guesses and probability charts for how tall a kid fits. I've never personally hesitated to ignore them for my own children if needed.


It's not an easy install but I believe it's compatible.

The MyFit is only about half an inch taller than the SureRide.

Standing height limits are based on a variety of factors but basically guesses and probability charts for how tall a kid fits. I've never personally hesitated to ignore them for my own children if needed.
Thank you for your reply! I wondered about the standing height limits...if the child fits by harness height and weight, the standing height limit seems to add little. Good to hear that they're not as important. Thank you.

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