

Active member
I'm looking to buy a car within the next 24-48 hours. My Jeep is completely unreliable atm. I have 10-12K CAD to spent, could go higher (but it would require putting it on my LOC). I would like it to be no older then 2007 and with under 100,000km on it. This will be our second vehicle. I need to be able to fit a hockey back in the back and an umbrella stroller in the trunk (or hatch).

We are planning on having a 3rd within the next couple years, so in 2-3 years we would want to be able to do 3 across (likely 1 HBB, 1 FF, 1 RF).

We are planning on test driving a Malibu, Fusion & Taurus tonight. Any other suggestions?


New member
2007 Malibus are the last year of the older style, except for the 2008 Malibu Classic. All 2008 and newer that aren't labeled Classic are the newer style. I know the newer style has a hump in the middle seat that I find annoying for tipping. You may find a 2007 or 2008 Classic is more 3 across friendly because the back seat is flat. I do :love: my 08 Malibu though. The trunk is huge.


Active member
We ended up getting a 2011 Ford Fusion with 34,000km on it ($17k vs the $10-12k I wanted to spend). DH test drove one and fell in love. We had a very knowledgeable sales person who knew the car well.

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