Stats of fatalities in cars vs. trucks vs SUVs


New member
I hear a lot about pickups being unsafe, and it seems intuitively correct. We just got rid of our pick-up, and it got me thinking about whether there are actual stats that show kids who are injured or killed in an auto accident are more likely in a pick-up. This may be a hard stat to find since there are confounding factors like being in the front seat instead of rear, actual number of miles driven in the truck vs. car, etc. I live in MA where we have the lowest fatality rate per mile driven, but still lots of fatalities since we drive so many miles :)



CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Not sure-

The only article I remember was very unfavorable to pickups. It appeared in the LA Times a year or two ago. You might be able to find it in their archives or online somewhere...

Sorry I don't have any other info on this.

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